Chapter 19

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"Your's sincerely, Aimie Atkinson,(Leanne's Aunt)" Aimie read as she typed.

"Yeah, that sounds good," Vicki replied, checking the clock. "It's 4:58, should we wake Leanne?" She added, obviously tired.

"Vick, go to bed, you look shattered,"

"No, no it's fine! I'm going to wait for Nat, like everyone else," she yawned.

"Fine, I'll go and wake Leanne, she'll be home in like 10 minutes," Aimie spoke softly and walked calmly upstairs. She pushed open Leanne's door and switched the light on.

"Wake- up darling," Aimie placed a hand on the girl's shoulder. "Your mum'll be home in about 10 minutes, "

"Thanks, Auntie Aimie. You kept your promise, " She pulled the older woman into a hug while still being sat in bed.

"Hey, I told you you could trust me, didn't I?" she smiled.

"Yeah, you did,"

"Come on, let's go downstairs," Aimie offered her hand out to the young girl; she took it and Aimie pulled her up. She threw her arm around her Aunt's next and together, they ambled down the stairs.

They entered the lounge to a passed out Vicki, curled up on the sofa.

"Auntie Aimie, should we wake her?"

"What time is it? " Aimie took her glasses off and placed them on the top of her head.

"Umm" Leanne took out her phone, "It's 5:07"

"Yeah, go on then, Nat'll be home in a couple of minutes. But before they all get back, I want to talk to you,"

"Okay then, " Leanne shook Vicki, expecting Aimie to continue,

"No, seriously Leanne,"

"Oh, okay," Leanne sat down on the sofa Vicki wasn't curled up on, who was awake at this point but still extremely tired.

"I know you're protective of your mother but please don't have a go at Millie, she didn't mean to injure her,"

"I know... but Mum could have been injured further than she already was! She could have got a traumatic brain injury!" She exclaimed.

"Listen to me, Millie feels really bad so please don't go and shout at her as soon as she gets in " Aimie brought her hand to her face.


"Listen to me Paris!"

"Fine Auntie Aimie..."

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