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I woke up. Sweat was dripping of me. No I was not warm. Just in shock and pian. He had a camera to my face and said "look Peter this is your friend. Come and save her." With all the strength I had I say "don't" he puts the camera down and looks at me. He leaves me alone.

I looked at the sky. I knew what I had to do. Turn, I had a bit of strength left and as soon as I would be a wolf I would have more strength. But then a rock came flying through the window. Making the big glass fall into small pieces. Romand climbs through. "Omg Emma" Peter follows.

"Wait, I just need to turn"
"You can't, It will make you so weak when you go back to being a human, that combined with your cuts and the pain he put you through will not be good"
"Peter, does it look like I give 1000 shits right now" I turn, my dones felt really weak while doing it.

But, when I was a wolf, I was much more stronger. Then the man came to us. Romand grabs me and ran. I was so confused, we jumped in the car. As Romand speeds away Peter hold cloths to me and says "turn back" but I did not and waited till we get to a safe place. "I will take her to Destiny, she had a lot of medical treatment,"
"Well I am coming" Romand says. Peter carries me up the stairs and sets me on the coach. He puts a blanket on me and Destiny gives me some of her cloths. I slowly turn back, it was so painful, my bones cracked and all my cuts and pain came back.

"Ow!" I shout. Destiny came up to me, she had a hot cloth and pressed it to the cut on my cheek. Every thing hurt, my head my arms my legs, my full body just wanted to stop. My body wanted to die, I was closing my eyes, but I wouldn't let my self die. Not now. "Don't go to sleep" Destiny's soft voice made me stay awake.

Romand came in, he had a paint of blood. He pourers it in my mouth. I don't know what he put in me, but I blacked out. I think I was nice, the warmth of my thoughts and being in my own head gave me comfort.

I shortly wake up. I was in a bed, the sheet compress my body, the warmth filled my lungs. I felt safe and nice there. I look around, no one was here with me. The door was wide open. From the outside I could tell I was still in Destiny's house. I looked in the draw beside me. In it was a cigarette packet and a match. I put it in my moth and light it. I filled my lungs up with smoke and let go of all my worries. Peter walked by the door way, and walked backwards. "Shit your awake"
"Yup" he walked over to me and sits on the end of the bed. I pass him the cigarette he takes a hit and passes it back to me.

"How long was i asleep for?"
"A week, Destiny took the acid out of you, so you should be ok" Destiny is now in the room. She checks out on me and says I am fine.

I then, basically limp to the sofas, because I was sleeping in Destiny bed and felt bad. Peter gave me some pillows and blankets. Romand then came in. "Omg your awake"
"Yup" he sits next to me. "Isn't awkward between you and Destiny,"
"I don't really know, she seems fine." I smile at him.
"How long you staying here for"
"Still I know how to walk" we both laugh.
"And don't worry I and tacking good care of Alice."
"Thanks." I sit up, I needed to at least try to walk. I reached up, I am now on my feet. Step by step. I stumbled a couple of times, but get used to it. I can kinda walk.

I say my goodbyes to Peter and go home. I still feel like shit. So I go to sleep.

Blood Drinking WolfWhere stories live. Discover now