Dr Spivak

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I was woken up to the sweet smell of bacon and eggs. I possessed my body to stand up. I walked down the oak wood stairs, each step greets me with a creek. I turned the corner, to go to my kitchen. I walked along the big hall way and moved my way to the open kitchen. "Hello" he greets me with a warm kiss.
"Hey, What is the special occasion?" I got to my calendar, the shiny paper read, February. I looked at the date.

"Emma, it's you birthday" he runs his fingers in my hair, they slowly moved to my scalp. And like a treasure hunt, he follows the line. I sit on my breakfast table, he hands me the plate. It contains, eggs, bacon, mushrooms, fruits and a cold fresh cup of orange juice. "Thanks" I say with a smile. We eat and I go sit on the sofa and was soon not alone. Peter huddled around me. "So, How was the 80s"
"It was great"

April 1889:
Felling me slowly drift away in the skating ring, made me feel invincible. It made me feel alive. This is what I would normally do on a Friday night. Get ready go to rollerblading, and then party.

Present day:
We sit down and just chill for a bit. And then we go shopping and stuff. But then it came, the full mood.

Me and Peter ran through the trees. I picked out the perfect deer and we ate it, under the moon light stares. They glared at us. But before we could even blink it was sunrise.

We take a shower and get all of the mud and blood of us. I then sit down with Peter and tried to find more information about the masked men, but nothing came up.

"Invite Romand" I say to Peter. He called Romand and he came over. Peter hand me a gift box. "You didn't have to by me a gift"
"Well I didn't get you one yesterday so here is your late present" he hands me a little green box. It was roped of with a little blue ribbon on it. I opened the long box. Inside it was a needle like thing. It had blood in it. I turned it around to see what blood type it was. Yes believe it or not they have different taste. "No way, you go me Rhnull blood"

Romand turns his head. "No fucking way." He admired the liquid. I carful lifted it up. I took a sip. "Shit" I say. I handed it to Romand, he takes a sip "sh-i-t" Peter and Romand says. I put it back in the box, and kissed Peter.

The door swings open. The masked men, some of them hold Peter and Romand back and the rest come to me. They pull and drag me. "Get the fuck of me!" I scream. Then a man with grey hair and a crocked smile came in. "Doctor Spivak" Peter says through gritty teeth.
"How the fuck are you still alive?!" Romand was anger.
"You see boys, I am a lizard human, acid, water, or even guns can kill me, it's some thing els that can kill me. Now this is what is going to happen" he leaves the house and comes back with Nadia in his hand. "I am going to take this cutie, and that cutie." He pointed at me.
"Fuck you!" I scream and then spit in his face. He slaps me. "I swear, if you hurt her!" Peter shouts. He grabbed my arm, and before pulling me Romand says, "your the leader of the masked men right?!" His anger built up.
"Indeed I am, now see goodbye to Emma" he then pushed me forward. The screams of Peter and Romand slowly disappears.

I shoved me in the front of the car, Nadia in the middle. We drive for a very long time. I was not scared, because I couldn't die, but I was scared for Nadia.

We arrived at the top of a hill. Slushy snow squirts bellow my feet. He nudged me inside. It smelt of fresh oak and backed nuts swallowed me hole. "Lena, come meet your new roommates" he softly says. A girl with pale skin and light brown hair appears. Her fake smile drawn on her. Her eyes a butterfly blue.

"Hello" she head lifts up, she looked trapped. I smile at her and at the moment I knew I would protect this girl, no matter what, I will keep her face. "Hey" I say to her. Spivak hands her the baby. "Follow me to your room. He leads me up the stairs. The hall way was filled with photos and other shrines.

We entere the dark room. He opened the blinds and pats a purple bed. "You share with Lena." I just nod and leave. I head down stairs where I realised that Lena had put Nadia in a chair.

Spivak locks the door with about five locks. "Now why would we ever want to leave" I joke. He gave me a bad look and says "I am going to make you some thing Lena" he moves his way to the kitchen, where he get a grey thing and mixed it with milk. He hands her it. She looked terrified, so I walked over and held her shoulder. I went to take the drink, but she chugged it all down. "Lena!" I whispered, but like a kinda shout.

Nothing happed for a while, until her top begins to get wet. "No feed the baby" he shouts putting a knife to her throat.
"Hey, hey, she is going to do it" I say pulling his hand away. She lifted her top and stared to feed Nadia. I just say that and watched.

How did he do that? I don't know. But all I know is that he is an evil man.

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