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Silence follows me in the long corra door. I get into the elevator and press the cold silver button, that was on top of it read 57. I walk along the halls, till I saw a metal door that had a white plat, it said Lavatory. I opened the door and it makes a loud rubbery sound.

The room smelt of bleach and chemicals. A red headed woman turned around. She was beautiful, her lushed straight red hair went all the was to her back, and her goggles showed if her emerald rich green eyes. "Hey" Her high pitch voice.
"Hey, shouldn't you have you hair tied up, or some thing?" I sounded a bit tired.
"Oh, ya" she pulls a hair bobble and tied it back. "Your Emma, right?" She seemed calm now.
"Ya, so what am I supposed to do" I spayed the room, I see a cage of mice and needles. The needles had differ colour liquids in them.

"So, you are meant to help me with my experiences"
"sounds fun" I move closer to her.
"Wait" I stopped in shock.
"You need gloves and lad coat" she handed me gloves and pointed towards the coats. I placed on thermally around me. She then handed me plastic goggles. It was like fog on a rainy day.

"Take one of those mice" I does as she says and placed on firmly on my hand. It's little feet patters on my hand, tickling me. I handed her it. She put it in a little cage.

"What are we doing?," I asked as she writes on her little clipboard.
"We are going to insert this into it" She hold a needle with a blue liquid inside.
"What will it do?"
"These little guys" she points at the mice. "They all have cancer, I am going to see if when I give them this, will they die a un pain full death." She then picked up a black machine with wires and other things attached to them. "And with this I can see if it will injure any pain." I just nodded.

She placed the needle in him and then put the black thing on its stomach. "We will detect it for 4 days"
"Ok" I am beginning to like her. "Lunch!" She excitedly says. She takes of her gloves and I follow her.

"Where do you want to go?" She asked.
"How long do we have?"
"1 hour"
"Oh we can go to the coffee shop, along the road."
"Sounds good."

Hemlock grove, a little quiet town, I think. Until you un fold all its darkest secret and it becomes satins town.

We sit out side, I took at all the leave-less tress and then the shaded leaves peacefully on the ground. I had ordered a salad and a peach cold tea. Ruby has got a grilled cheeses and a water. As we ate I see Peter approaching us. "Hey!" He says a bit to excited.
"Hi, this is Ruby" they shake hands.
"Emma you didn't mention it was your birthday soon" Peter gives me the stare.
"Oh ya"
"OMG, we need a party, Wait how old are you?"
"No need for a party, and I am" I think. "24" I say.
"That's so cool"

We go back to the lad on just watch the animal. Romand takes me home and I look on my calendar. "Shit, my birthday is on a full moon" Alice jumps on the counter. I smile.

A knock soon followed on. I opened it, Peter and Romand, Romand also had Nadia. "How old are you actually" he didn't even ask, they just walks in. I think for a second.
"I don't know I was born in 1567" Peter walks over to Alice.
"I killed my cat" he softly stroked her.
"I killed my father" I get three cups and some achole. He stared at me.
"When he found out I was a wolf and eat people, it was back in 1578."
"What about your mother?" He asked.
"Long story"

He hands me a cup of achole, which wins me over. "This girl called Anna killed her, this was way back in 1611. Then Anna also killed my lover, so I killed her lover and child"
"Anna?" Romand asked "the girl that was at you door"
"Wow, I have to go, Nadia needs sleep" he walks out, leaving me and Peter alone.

"So, touchy subject, but what about your parents" he sights.
"My mom, Linda, she is my best friend, she had to go move some where els, because of the police. And I don't know about my dad."
"Why can't your mom come back?"
"She will get arrested"
"That's sad" I respond. We both sip out achole.

I go to put my cup in the sink. Me and Peter are near each other. I looked him in the eyes. He leaned in, our lips touching. He grabbed my waist and pulls me forward. He slowly puts his tongue in my mouth, and I do the same. He turns me around and pushed me against the counter. He pulls me up on it. Slowly moving his hand up to shirt. His hand cold and tickles my skin. I run my fingers through his hair.

But before we could do any thing els, his phone rang. He picked it up and said "what!! Really" he seemed excited. He puts the phone down. "Destiny has found a way to see the masked men." I get my coat.
"Well then let's go" I say. And then telling Romand.

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