-1 life

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The road felt rocky and ruff. The car was filled with a dreadful silence. The sounds of me even touching, the car would make them both jump.

"Here" I say as we pull up to an abounded park. The slide was rust and cracked. The swings stood still, motionless. The sky turned grey and foggy. I slammed closed the door, and the boys followed. "We ate either way to late or way to early"
"I think we are early, because one, I can't see the mum two, there is no police car for a missing child" I positively say.
"Ok, let's bring back old memories" Peter says holding a bag of weed.
"So, we are going to be high and save some one" I lift an eyebrow, and then look at Romand.
"I don't see why not" Romand replays. We sit on the floor and light the paper.

I suck down on the air, I feel so alive so amazing. But I was still me and could still function. "Here they are, hide behind the bushes and wait for the masked man" I put out my cigarette. All 3 of us hide behind the bush.

"Fuck" I whispered.
"What" Peter whispers back.
"The fucking twigs are digging into my back"
"Can you 2 stick on the task" Romand snaps. Then a back car pulled up. Then like in a movie, the mother turns around and puts her phone to her ear. "I am going to turn, you guys help me ok."

(Here is the thing about turning. When it is a full mood I turn really painfully, but if I want to turn not on a full moon it is easy and fast.)

I turned, and nodded me little wolf head. I waited for the right moment. Exactly when he put the paper on the child's mouth. I run. Biting the mans arm. Peter and Romand run after me. Romand kicks and punch him. And Peter does the same. The man still had the child around his arm. I wouldn't let go of him never. But he pulled me with him. Peter and Romand still trying there hardest. But he kicks Peter and punches Romand. Leaving then a bit hurt, and making him having enough time to carrie me and the child to his car. The mother racing after us.

I will never forget her words "my baby, my baby girl. Some one help. Please some one help, she is being taken." Her word are memorised in my brain like me reading a script. I think this man knew I was not a wolf. As soon as we get in the car, he injects me. My mind goes hazy and fuzzy.

I wake up, cold chains hung in my arms. I was tied up, by my feet and arms. "Finally" a voice from behind came to me. "A wolf human" I could now see him. His face filled with dirt and blood. He puts a blade to my cheek. I shackled the chains, making them rattle. As soon as I do this, a strong electrical pain ran through my veins. "I would not try that love"
"I am not your love, or your experiment" I spit on him. He shakes his head. "You shouldn't of done that" he inject me with another substance. Knocking me out.

I wake up again. Now on a chair, it feel cold. I opened my eyes, now I was wearing nothing but my underwear. "You plan on rapping me" I followed his gaze.
"No, just hurting you" he pulled out a knife. "Where is Peter Rumancek?"
"On this planet" he takes his hand and put it on my neck not actually doing any thing. He gets his knife and make a clean cut on my cheek. "I live for pain" I said looking into is sociopathic eyes. The blood curled to my lips. I licked it of. Liking the rest of my lips. I smile at him.

He gets my chin, pushing my head back, putting the blade to my neck. But yet he did not do any thing. He leaves.

2 hours later, he comes back with a device. He strapped it on my hand, and then my head. He held the remote and came face to face with me. "What are you?" He asked.
"Fuck you!" I shout. He holds the button down. The shock and pain ran through my skin. Making my full body shake. "What are you?!" He shouts again.
"Do what you will, but I am no snitch" he does it again, but with more power. Then sends me in a black out.

Blood Drinking WolfWhere stories live. Discover now