Chapter 3

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Jennie's POV:
I was so happy that my best came and specially gonna live with me. I really missed her this three months. We talked for a while when Jisoo unnie called us. Lisa went and I was about to go when my phone beeped.

Jerk 🤬

[ tomorrow be at 9 in college.
I will be with hyungs rest
of the day because we
have practice at 3 .... >

< fine by me]

[And buy some condoms,
I forgot to buy them.... >

<I knew you will forget.
So I already buy it....
Your welcome 😎]

[Don't worry baby girl,
I'll pay to you with
interest 😉😘>

<gross 😒]

I shut my phone and went down stairs. Everyone was waiting for me. Then we had our dinner.

Few hours left

Chaeyoung entered in Jennie's room. Jennie was playing video games in her phone and Lisa was in the washroom.

Chae: Jen, where is you charger?
Jennie: why? (Looked at her)
Chae: I need it.
Jennie: it's in the drawer. (Playing her game)

Chae opened the drawer and found the charger. She smiled and picked the charger. But she found something too. It was condoms.

Chae: Jen? Why you have condoms? (Holding the condom on her hand with confusion)
Jennie: it's for Jungkook.
Chae: why you buy condom for Jungkook? (Confused)

Jennie looked at her and realized what she said. 

Jennie: of course. I mean a fuck boy like Jungkook needs it. So I will give it as a gift to him. (Sarcastically)
Chae: but I told you, he might be seeing someone.
Jennie: who cares? I just want to piss him off.
Chae: whatever....
Jennie: if you want, you can have one. I mean you and Jimin are always horny, so you might need it. In case of emergency. (Teased)
Chae: n-no thanks. (Putted the condom in the drawer quickly)

Chae left the room and Jennie sighed relief.

9:10 in the morning

Jennie reached college and went were Jungkook would be. She entered and saw Jungkook was already there, waiting for her.

Jungkook: you are 10 minutes late. (Looked at his watch)
Jennie: are you that horny?
Jungkook: only for you baby. (Winked)

Jennie rolled her eyes and Jungkook chuckled.

Jungkook: did you bring condom?
Jennie: of course I did. Here. (Gave it to him)
Jungkook: why is this strawberry flavor?
Jennie: why? you want banana milk flavor sweetie? (Mocked)
Jungkook: of course and it's better than strawberry.
Jennie: next time buy it by yourself. I can't handle your attitude all the time. (Rolled her eyes)

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