Chapter 14

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Jungkook's POV:

I had a great time with Lisa. She was very pretty and beautiful. She was good and all but there's something that I was missing. I was missing someone. The person was none other than Jennie. It being almost 3 weeks we broke our relationship. And from then I didn't have sex with anyone. I didn't know why but I didn't feel to do it. But seeing Jennie moving on so fast that I decided to move on too. I didn't want to hold myself back for her. If she can move on with anyone else then I can do the same.

Today was the night. The girl who I like was with me. While dancing I kissed Lisa. She didn't object and kissed me back. The kiss became hotter and we didn't stop there. Lisa made me shirtless in a minute. I smirked. I know what she wanted. She wanted me and I wanted her.

While we were kissing, my eyes were close. I broke the kiss and opened my eyes to see the girl underneath me. I was shocked to see her. "Jennie!", I said in my mind. She smiled and looked in my eyes. "Kookie~ I want you. I want you really bad.", she said in a seductive and needy way. Finally~ she was here and she wanted me as much I do. I didn't waste anytime and kissed her again. But this kissed was passionate, needy and full of hunger. She moaned softly during the kiss.

She flipped me without breaking the kiss and she was top of me now. My eyes were closed the whole time. She broke the kiss and I looked at her. I was shocked again. It wasn't Jennie. It was Lisa. I stopped and got her off from me. I sat down on the couch. What just happened to me? Why did I see her? Why I still want her? Why can't I move on? All the questions were going on in my mind.

Lisa was surprised and confused by Jungkook's behavior.

Lisa: what happened Jungkook?
Jungkook: nothing. I need to go to the washroom.

Before Lisa could say anything, Jungkook stood up and went to the washroom, leaving Lisa in the living room alone.

After reaching the washroom. Jungkook washed his face again and again. He had all the flashback of all those moments that he spend with Jennie. He looked at the mirror and his was looking like a shit right now.

He changed his clothes and went back to the living room. Lisa was still sitting there. She saw him and smiled. He smiled back.

Lisa: you okay? What happened?
Jungkook: yeah. Nothing. It's very late, you should go home now. I'll drop you, let's go.

Lisa didn't say anything but just nodded.

Jennie's POV:
After Lisa and Jungkook left, I went to unnie's room to check on her. She was still sleeping. I went to my favorite place of the house and sat there, watching the stars. It was so peace in here.

After some minutes later, I got from Tae. It was a picture of Tannie and Kuma.

Taehyung 🐯

Taehyung 🐯

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