Chapter 6

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Maya's POV:

I've been gone for 2 months now. I'm still in New York. But in a different part of town. So Riley and the rest couldn't find me.

I haven't seen the others for a long time now. I feel bad because I didn't tell Riley and Farkle that I would leave. But I know that they just would have tried to stop me.

I feel free. Like I could do anything. I know it's sounds weird but the 2 months changed me. I feel like a different person. And I look like one too.

I don't know if I should come back to be honest. Nobody cares about me. I bet that nobody even misses me. Maybe Riley and Farkle do. But that's it.

I'm sure Lucas is super happy about my choice. I mean he was actually the reason who made me run away.


If I'm really such a bitch like you say then why are you still talking to me? Why are you still friends with me?

I'm not.


Why do you care?

I don't. I just wanna know why you're being such a bitch for no reason.


Ughh stooooop! Not again! I want to forget this shit. When will the flashbacks stop??

The worst part about this is that he let it look like it was my fault. I didn't even do anything.

My mom she... she made it look like I'm the reason that dad left. I was a little kid when he left. What could I have done to him?

I feel a tear running down my face.

No! Maya stop!

Fact is that I don't know if I will come back. My dad never came back. My mom too. She left when I was 5. She said she wanted to find my dad. Well.. That's what the goodbye letter said. I am in foster care now. But they don't give a shit about me.

I'm gonna be here. And I don't know if I ever come back.

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