Chapter 12

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Lucas' POV:

I hear Louis and the other boys screaming in the hallway next to us.

"This little bitch will be dead when I find her" Louis yells.

Oh no he didn't. I'm so angry right now. I wanna punch in his face till he cannot speak anymore.

"Dude. Nobody believes the shit that she said to them" Ryan says.

I hear how girls laugh really hard by walking through the hallway. I think they laughed at them but I'm not sure.

"Yea you're right. Noooobody believes it" Louis says with sarcasm.

I seriously wanna punch him. He called maya a bitch. I already told Ryan not to call her that.

I think Maya is noticing that I'm angry because she's walking to me.

"Lucas? Are you okay?" she asks.

"yea yea. Sure I'm fine" I lie.

Louis is over reacting oh my god. I hear how stuff is breaking on the ground. Oh boy he needs help. Professional help. Just saying.

Louis yells again "This little piece of shi- - "

"Okay that's it" I yell and open the door.

I am so pissed right now. He should be careful with what he's saying. And especially about who. I don't know why but I kinda feel like to protect Maya.

Maya is running to me. "Lucas what are you doing?"

I'm in the hallway now. Maya stands next to me. The boys turn around and see us.

"Uh huh there you are you little whore" Louis yells and walks to her.

I push him away from her and say "don't do that"

"What?" he says confused. "Are you on the side of this little bitch?"

I give him a 'oh no you didn't' look. I take his arm and turn it to his back. I push him against the lockers and scream "don't you dare to say that again"

His boys are just standing there. Not doing anything. Except for Ryan. He's trying to grab Maya.

I loose my grip on Louis and run to Ryan and punch him to the ground.

I walk over to maya and take her by her hand.

"If you guys ever dare to touch her or anything else. I'll break you" I tell them.

They run away. Such losers. I can't believe that I was once friends with them.

Maya looks up to me and says "thank you sundance"

That just made me so happy. I smile and lay my head down. She hasn't called me sundance in ages.

"I missed that" I say with a smile on my face.

She smiles back.

I hear someone walking to us. Maya turns around and sees Riley. Riley gives Maya a 'what the hell' look. Well at least I think it's that look. I don't know.

She looks down to her arm. We're still holding hands. She let's go and looks at me a last time.

Then she's gone. She went with Riley outside.

Good Girl Gone BadHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin