Chapter 23: The Caravan and new friends

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Hey everyone! I wanted to put a picture that I drew for this chapter, but Wattpad didn't let me! Any tips on how to put it up so that you all could see it? Thanks!


They all sat to finish watching the memories.

Next up was what seemed to be a party, and Alex was now a teenager.

Daiko gasped, for she thought that Alex was handsome with his black cape, black mask, and black clothes. He looks like El Zorro! She thought.

Younger Alex looked around and ran into a deserted corridor.

"Alexander! What are you doing?"

Young Alex turned to see another young version of Zaecondis.

Alex held up a knife. "I'm here to kill you, Father."

Young Zaecondis tisked. "You really think that you can beat me?"

Young Alex held the knife, blade down, out in front of him. He dropped it, and young Zaecondis smiled. But that smile was wiped away as the knife disappeared into the ground.

"You used shadow magic to travel it, right?" Zaecondis seemed to know what happened better than that time.

Something rose up behind the younger Zaecondis. It was a shadow figure that was holding the knife as it stuck it into Zaecondis's rib cage, right into the heart.

Zaecondis coughed up blood as he fell to the floor. The figure rose up to handed the knife back to young Alex.

But the Caravan was staring at the present Alex. He was confused for a bit of why they were looking at him, but he realized it after one look from Daiko. He coughed and said, "No, the shadowy figure that controlled Jarred was not one of mine. I do not know whose it was."

Neither Daiko nor Zaecondis would look directly into his eyes.

Back to the screen, young Alex was talking to a young Xan. "Uncle, I'm off to see the world. I'm sorry that I killed Father."

Young Xan wouldn't meet his eyes. "Okay, have fun."

Young Alex kept walking and walking until he come to a city, which was called Epoch. Epoch was famous for gangs. And one of them happened to attack Alex.

They surrounded him, and just as Alex was about to fight them, something happened. They were all fought off, one by one, by a younger Hearthfell.

He shrugged. "You're welcome, weak."

Young Alex was surprised. "I'm not weak."

"Yes you are. I saw you have fear. Fear means emotions, and emotions are weakness."

"Let's sit down and talk about this."

They walked around town and found a bench, in which they did sat down.

"Emotions aren't weakness." Younger Alex was trying to convince younger Hearthfell that he was wrong.

But he stopped, feeling a presence; a shadow touching him. These shadows mean that there was someone nearby. Unlike most shadows, this shadow was coming from above.

He looked up and saw a figure.

"If I touch someone's shadow, I can hear what they think, and even control them," present Alex said.

Back to the screen. "What's wrong?" Young Hearthfell asked.

Young Alex didn't answer. A voice sounds out:

Ayuda me.

"I somehow knew what it meant: help me." Alex sighed, worried that Daiko was going to figure out that he can translate what she says. But she didn't answer.

Young Alex held out his arms and caught the figure as it fell. It was a young Daiko.

When he touched her, he noticed that she was burning up. "Hey you! We've got to get her to the hospital!"

Young Hearthfell got up, but started to stare. "Did a girl just fall from the sky?"

"Not important! She needs a doctor!"

"Well, I don't know where one is! I just came here today!"

The girl looked up at him. He could hear her think, Hay un hospital. She pointed somewhere, and then collapsed.

Young Alex looked in the direction that she was pointing. It was a small building. He rushed in there, with Hearthfell behind him, and asked if there was a doctor here.

A person inside said yes. Young Alex put her on a bed as that person gave young Daiko a wet cloth on her forehead and went to fetch the doctor.

The young Daiko opened her eyes and looked at the two boys. "Gracias. Me llamo Daiko, y yo quiero a conocer vosotros, Alex y Hearthfell. Y-"

Hearthfell interrupted her. "Girl, I can not understand what you are saying!"

She paused, then cleared her throat and said. "Sorry. I was speaking my native tongue. What I said was: Thank you. My name is Daiko and I've always wanted to meet you two, Alex, Hearthfell."

Hearthfell widened his eyes. "How do you know our names?"

Alex stopped him. "I'm guessing that you are quite powerful in order to know that."

She grinned. "Yep!"

Hearthfell scowled at her. "You can't be powerful. You have emotions."

That's when the doctor came in carrying a bottle.

Daiko wrinkles her nose. "Eew, I hate medicine."

She then snaps her fingers and sings a song that Alex is absolutely enchanted by:

"Tiempo se ha detenido. No es algo que vaya hasta que hago mis dedos otra vez. Sí, estoy contento de estar en este mundo."

The doctor suddenly goes still, and the world around them goes into a fuzzy color.

Daiko smiles, satisfied. "Yay! I stopped time! Are you sure that I'm not powerful, Hearthfell Lostkeeper?"

Hearthfell's jaw dropped. Daiko sang something inaudible, and an umbrella appeared. "There! This umbrella should protect me from the heat and not let me go into sunstroke again."

She looked at Alex. "I want to make a caravan! Can you join it too?"

Alex looked the idea, since he wanted to know now about the outside world. But he scrunched up his forehead. "Don't we need three members to form a caravan?"

They all looked at Hearthfell. He looked away at first, but finally gave in and said, "Fine, I'll join too."

Daiko smiled. "Yay! You guys can choose its name."

"Hope." They both looked at Alex, who quickly blurted it out.

He coughed, then said, "I mean, Hope so that we have hope for the future."

The two others agreed. "Then it's set! Let's go!"

Daiko snapped her fingers again, and time resumed its normal pace, with the doctor looking very confused.

Daiko gave him some money. "Here's the money for the wet cloth and whatever you used to make that awful medicine! Bye!" The three walked out the door.

"Wait!" Now the doctor was very confused.

And the screen disappeared. Zaecondis got up and clapped his hands.

"Okay! Who's going to die first?"


Hi! I realized that I might be going too fast. Do you guys have any questions of the plot? If so, ask me!

Also, do not say anything incorporate in the comments; thank you.

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