6 - Imagination

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Jimin stayed awake the entire night. He was feeling conflicted. He knew that he had to marry Jungkook even if he don't to. Its not like he don't want to marry Jungkook but not in this circumstances where he is a shy hidden in the name of husband.

Jimin had always been in love with Jungkook. He always imagined Jungkook as his mate but that was before he was forced by different alpha each day.

He has lost his innocence when he first presented. That night was the night which started this nightmare.

Before that he had been in contact with Jungkook. They weren't boyfriends or something, but they would often find themselves thinking about their future together.

But after that awful night, Jimin changed his number, cut all his connection with Jungkook.

No, he didn't hate Jungkook but he hate himself. He had promised to give his every first to Jungkook but he broke that promise.

Jimin tried really hard to forget this Alpha and let him get married and mated to someone who is more deserving cause Jungkook deserves the world.

Now, his only dream was getting fulfilled but he don't want it to be. Jimin knew that in the end Daniel would kill Jungkook. That was the biggest fear of Jimin.

He would protect the Alpha from everyone including him. He would die for him. Even if things weren't the way he wants them to be, Jimin would do everything to be a perfect husband for him. Even if it would be temporary, Jimin would pretend it to be permanent.

He knows Jungkook would lose trust in him and would kill him for betrayal in the end but he is not afraid. Dying seems easier as compared to watching Jungkook die in front of him.

Jimin had to protect Luhan too. Tgat kid is innocent and knows nothing about what is happening in his own house.

As sun rays kissed Jimin's face, the omega sat up knowing too well that he won't be able to sleep. His classes would start after 2 hours, he still has time.

He made his way downstairs only to meet Daniel in the kitchen. His step father was drinking water.

"Oh beautiful! You are awake! " Daniel exclaimed as he faked his pleasure.

" I want to make some negotiations. " Jimin said looking directly in his step father's eyes.

" What is it? " Daniel asked unamused.

" During the duration when I am married to Jungkook-ssi, I will not entertain any of your Alpha and I will not be in any sexual activity with anyone including you. No one from this family should visit me during this time except luhan. " Jimin said calmly.

"  It won't be a long duration, baby. So don't worry. I won't cross the line. " Daniel said with a smirk making Jimin's skin crawl.

Won't be a long duration.

This line kept replaying in his mind. He won't allow anyone to harm either Jungkook nor Luhan. They are the most important people in his life And he would die for them.


It is short update was I am planning to update another chapter soon.

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