19- Yours

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"Can you mate me during my heat? "

Jimin said in a small voice, barely audible. Jungkook had his eyes wide and if it was any other moment Jimin would had laughed at him.

" You don't wanna mate me? " Jimin asked with teary eyes. The Alpha was taking too long to answer.

" What? No! No! Jimin, I would love to. You took me by surprise. " Jungkook said in a single breath not wanting his soon-to-be mate upset anymore.

Jimin was all smiles. His eyes disappearing and Jungkook worried that if he can see anything.

Jungkook gathered the omega in his arms in such a way that the omega was above him.

Jungkook pulled Jimin's lips on his for a passionate kiss. Tongues dances together. It was basically all teeth clashing, trying to exert dominance.

Jimin mewled when slick started gushing out of him and the Alpha growled.

The scent was getting stronger, making both of them go insane. Arousal was in the air, engulfing them.

Jimin was finally free and the frustration he was feeling throughout this past few months he was letting it out in this kiss.

In no time, clothes were off. Jungkook was no hovering over the omega, taking in his beauty . They were letting go of their pent up frustration. They were both frustrated for different reason, one for betraying his husband and other one was relived that the omega too wanted to mate him.

Jungkook started fingering the omega who was now crying due to all the pleasure that the Alpha was giving him through his rough manhandling.

They both moaned in unison when the Alpha's member was buried deep in the omega.

They both were mess. The Alpha was giving the omega open mouth kisses while he thrusted roughly and earnestly into him.

The chant of 'I love you' kept falling out of their mouth as if it was in their muscle memory.

Soon they reached their closure moaning eachother's name. The omega had spurred his cum on the Alpha's abs but the Alpha didn't mind nor did Jimin as he let his Alpha fall on top of him.

As they lay on the bed, after having a quick shower, now covering their body with a furry blanket, Jimin knew that this is the place were he belongs,in Jungkook's arms.

Jimin's was resting his head om the Alpha's broad chest as the Alpha was drawing soothing patterns on the omega's back.

"You have no idea how happy I am. I was so devasted at the thought that you don't want me as your mate. It was killing me. " Jungkook said his voice muffled into the omega's hair.

" I am sorry that I made you feel that way. I just had to figure some things in my head. " Jimin said as he placed a kissed on the Alpha's chest.

" I don't mind as long as you are mine in the end. " Jungkook said and Jimin leaned up to kiss his soon-to-be Alpha.


" Hyung! Your phone! " Jimin shouted as he ran after the Alpha who was already leaving for the work.

" Oh! Thank you baby. " Jungkook smiled and was about to turn away when he noticed that the omega was pouting." What happened baby? "He asked as he gently caressed the omega's cheeks.

" You are forgetting something. " Jimin said while pouting even more.

Jungkook smiled and leaned in to kiss his omega who eagerly kissed him back.

" Demanding from your Alpha first thing in the morning. " Jungkook teased his omega.

" Forgetting things first thing in the morning. You are getting old hyung. " Jimin said back with a sly smile.

" Yah! I am just 26. How can you call me old when you are literally a pup? " Jungkook said with fake angry voice.

"This pup can give you pups right now." Jimin said casually before widening his eyes at what he had just said.

Jungkook was silent too, shocked at the confession the omega had said unknowingly.

"You would be late. You should go. " Jimin said as he kept looking at his shoes unable to face his Alpha.

Jungkook just nodded before rushing towards the lift. Once in, he let go of the breath he never knew he was holding.

Pup. His pup. Their pup.

It would be a dream come true. He can't wait to see his omega all round with his pup in him.

Jimin was shocked by his sudden confession. Unknowingly, he placed his hand on his belly, imagining a life growing their that belonged to Jungkook and him.

Suddenly, the thought was too pleasing.

Last night was amazing as always. When Tiger told him that he is free, first thing that came into the omega's mind was to have a happy life with Jungkook.

And so without thinking, he placed his request to mate him. He didn't regret it. Not for a second. His wolf was howling, proud that the Alpha would be their mate.

Jimin was happy. Truly happy after long time.

Meanwhile, Jungkook wasn't any different. He was giddy today. His step were bouncy and he was behaving child-like.

Namjoon observed it but never commented on it because at certain point he was like Jungkook too.

Jin had ignored all his courting tactics for 3 months but eventually gave in. His mate. Perfect, beautiful mate.

"Someone's in happy mood today. " Jin said as he and Namjoon along with other few officers joined Jungkook on the table of the cafeteria at lunch break.

Jungkook just grinned at them not feeling any need to tell his workmates that his omega wanted to finally mate after 6 months of marriage.

It would be a shame to declare that they were unmated for so long even after being married.

Jungkook never understood as to why the omega was hesitant to mate him when they have known each other for years now.

Omega had said previously that he is not a virgin and Jungkook didn't gave a flying fuck to the virginity anyway. But his mind always drift to the time when they were not in contact and it was for years.

Did Jimin had a boyfriend at that years? Was he serious in that relationship?

Many questions ran into his mind and it would drive him crazy but when the said omega comes running towards him to greet him after the work, he would forget about everything.

Jimin was his omega and that was the needed.


This chapter was basically a fluff chapter...

But are we complaining??

Feedback will be extremely appreciated 💜💜


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