9- Yours

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"You may kiss your husband."  Priest said and Jungkook grinned at his omega.

Wow! The omega is really the most beautiful creature!

Jimin had tears in his eyes so did Jungkook but for different reasons.

Jimin was crying because he was guilty and Jungkook was crying because Jimin is finally his.

Jungkook slowly leaned in taking the omega's peach scent in. Its his favourite smell.

Jimin closed his eyes as he let Jungkook close the gap between them.

The alpha slowly started kissing him. It was nothing rough or full of lust, instead, Jimin felt the security in the kiss as if the Alpha was trying to convey his message.

For first time Jimin was enjoying the kiss. It was nothing like he ever had. This kiss was pure and full of adoration.

It was a dream for both of them. They were finally together.

They could hear the cheers that were thrown at him. When they pulled out, they both were grinning and Jungkook caressed Jimin's cheeks. Jimin smiled at him.

The height difference was adorable. Jimin could barely reach Jungkook's shoulders.

Jimin looked at the audience and saw his mother crying and Jimin knew it was just a act.

Mr and Mrs Jeon were the one who engulfed both of them in warm hug. Jimin always considered Mrs Jeon as his own mother, he would gain motherly love from this woman when his own mother can't provide him.

Jimin can't belive that he is married to none other than his love of his life.

He looked up at Jungkook who was laughing with some of Alphas who seem friendly to him.

"Jimin. This are my work mates. " Jungkook introduced them to him. Jimin smiled at them.

" Hey Jiminie. Can I call you that? " An omega who had a mating mark. Jimin nodded with a smile." Myself Jin and this is my mate Namjoon. " he said with a smile.

" Nice to meet you. " Jimin said.

Jimin and Jin so well together that Jungkook got somewhat jealous of this omega. Jimin attention got divided and he hates it. Namjoon noticed this and laughed at the younger's behaviour.

Taehyung was familiar with everyone being the social butterfly he is.

"Excited? " Taehyung asked as he wriggle his eyebrow at Jimin.

" For? " Jimin asked as he was confused with this Alpha.

" Getting laid of course. " Taehyung rolled his eyes and Jimin got smoking tomato.

Jimin was nervous and he didn't want to think about it right now. Sex has never been enjoyable for him but he knew that Jungkook would be different. He is different.

They all were sitting at one of the table. Jimin saw how cheerful and kind Jungkook was. The relationship between Jin and Jungkook amazed him. They were like siblings. They were constantly bickering. Jimin himself actually laughing at them. He was enjoying himself genuinely after so long.

As they cut the their wedding cake everyone was cheering for them. Jimin was blushing throughout the day. For some reason he was happy that finally Jungkook is his even for a short period of time.

Jimin completely forgot the circumstances of why he has to marry the Alpha.

Jimin felt some eyes on him. He turned to see who it was. His eyes widen when he saw the alphas that had used him previously looking at his body with lust filled eyes. Jimin felt his skin crawl as he saw them smirk at him.

Jungkook noticed a distress pheromones coming out of his husband. He saw Jimin slightly shaking. He timidly placed his hand on the omega's tiny waist.

Jimin jumped at this touch. He was not used to touch that weren't filled with lust. Jungkook followed his gaze and saw the Alphas eyeing him.

The grawl that left from his mouth was instant. Jimin shiver at it. Surprisingly, the alpha backed away and Jimin looked up to see Jungkook eyes flashing red.

Something warm Busted in his heart. The feeling of being protected made him warm. No one has ever stood up for him, ever. Not even his own mother.

And here was Jungkook, was don't belong to him by blood relation.

"Come on Jimin. It's time to go home. "Jungkook said as he extended his hand for him to take it.

Jimin felt the gravity of the situation hit him like a brick. He has to live with Jungkook, wake up beside him.

Jimin placed his hand timidly. The Alpha beamed at him.

" Use protection!" Jin shouted and Jimin blused while Jungkook rose his middle finger at him.

As they walk out of the hall after quick greetings and blessings. Many suggestive cat calls were thrown towards them.

Jimin hide his face in Jungkook's shoulder and Jungkook just laughed at his cuteness.

Jimin felt like floating in the air, he was that happy.  The new life was something he ever wished for. Even if it is for short span of time he wants to enjoy it.

Jungkook looked at him as they sat in the car.

"Ready? " Jungkook asked.

" Ready. "


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