New Taimanin stories, coming soon(2 of 2)

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The time was night in Tokyo City; a city filled with humans, monsters, and demons. Some live in peace, while others succumb to their own desires. However, an organization known as the Taimanin, Anti-demon ninjas fight back the evils forces that plaque this city. The leader of these evils forces is known as Edwin Black, the Vampire Lord, and right now he was not too pleased on current events. He had received a call from one of his human business partners about a shipment human women who would be used for Kiryuu's, the lead scientist for Edwin Black, breeding experiments. However, the talk was cut short when gun fire started to sound out through the other line, and the call ended with the business man screaming in fear before a gunshot cut him off, so Edwin needed to investigate. He had walked to the building where his business partner was, along with his right-hand woman, Hell Knight Ingrid. They entered the building, only to be greeted by a bloody mess of human, monster, and demon corpses. Ingrid examines the corpses, all where either cut or had gunshot wounds in them, or both.

"Whoever did this... it wasn't Taimanin, this is too messy for them." Ingrid related to her master as Edwin went to walk around to see what remained of his business partner.

Ingrid followed suit, as they were welcomed by more bodies and more blood.

"I must say, whoever was the cause of this, they're more brutal then any monster or demon I've seen... I'm almost impressed." Edwin commented as they carried on.

Very soon they came across the door that led to the office of the business man. Edwin put out his hand and used his powers to blow the door open, as it flung across the room, a few splinters breaking off of it as they saw a.... definitely new sight. The limp , headless body of the business man lay on the floor as his head could be seen on his desk with a bullet hole in his forehead, but what the found the most odd out of this was that the head had a.... ball-gag in its mouth as it lay there motionless. To add on to the obscurity, there was a message on the wall, one that read.

Cock sucker!!!~#😃

"Hmph. Well whoever did this, they at least have a sense of humor." Edwin comments before he sniffs the air. "And by the smell of things, they took the human women as well."

While Ingrid didn't show it, she was glad that whoever did this freed the women. While she was loyal to Edwin Black, it didn't mean she liked, nor was she ok with the tendencies of her co-workers, something she'd chastise them about over and over again, even to the point of gloating at their failures.

"What should we do, Black-Sama?" Ingrid asked her boss

"I have the sneaking suspicion that whoever did this isn't done. For now we figure out who they are, and how to deal with them... swiftly." Edwin orders as Ingrid nods her head

Edwin then created a portal out of the building as he and Ingrid left through it. Edwin Black has every intention on dealing with whoever did this, but what he didn't know was that they would be the most difficult of people to even try and get rid of.

"Hey, yeah, I wanna shoop, baby~"

"Umm, you're packed and you're stacked 'specially in the back
Brother, wanna thank your mother for a butt like that~"

We cut to a red and black ninja on the railing of the upper part of a highway, as he had a Walkman at his side as he was using some crayons to color a picture on a piece of paper. That when he notices you, the readers, and starts to make conversation.

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