Season 2 premier: Checking In

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Season 1 recap:


{It had been nearly two weeks since the destruction of the infamous sex slave trafficking brothel, Under Eden, along with deaths of its owner, Real Yazaki and his brother Muneichi.}

{Taimanins' Yukikaze Mizuki and Rinko Akiyama had been sent there on a mission to infiltrate and observe the actions within Under Eden when information leaked of the whereabouts of senior Taimanin, and mother of the young Yukikaze, Shiranui Mizuki.}

{However, a carefully laid trap had been set in place by Real and his brother in an attempt to capture Yukikaze and Rinko in order to turn them into sex slaves themselves.....

.....Though unknown to the Yazaki brothers was that their plans would be foiled quicker and easier than they once thought.}

{With the aid of one Elijah Actaeon and his partner Alastor the Radio Demon, havoc and chaos was wrought upon Under Eden and Real and his brother suffered at the hands of the demonic duo.}

{The Taimanin were saved from a terrible fate, along with the retrieval of Taimanin Shiranui from the control of the Yazaki brothers, and Under Eden was set ablaze as its owners and patrons were sent to the deepest pits of Hell to suffer pain eternal.}

{Now in present day, what once was the area that Under Eden was located in was now the area for the one of the tallest buildings in Tokyo Kingdom:

The Hazbin Hotel: Second location.}

{Run by Elijah and Alastor, the two continue about their everyday schedule in Tokyo, Japan, now opening their doors to any would be residents within the Yamihara district, and throughout Japan itself.}

{However, with their power play at Under Eden, Alastor and Elijah will gain the attention of some of the worlds evilest and most powerful creatures.....

....And our duo will welcome them with a bright smile and open claws.~}

{Hmhmhm. Time to see what situations we can find ourselves in this time around. Shall we?}

Heh. Heh. Heh. Heh. Heh. Heh. Heh. Heh-e-e-e-e-e-e-e~

Radio Taimanin
Season 2: Chaos Arena

Radio TaimaninAlastorSeason 2: Chaos Arena

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