Another Notification (I know you're sick of it by now): Future Information

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Greetings everyone! It's been a bit since I worked on this story, huh?

Don't worry. Don't worry. This story is still going. I have too many ideas to let this story go.

But, it will be some time before a make a new chapter. The reason for this is that I just learned some stuff that will require me to revise all of my chapters, even the ones from season 2. The general plot will remain the same, like I've said, but one of the things I came across that I need to rework in this story is everything revolving around Yamihara.


Apparently Yamihara is an UNDERGROUND town. The entire time I've been writing it likes it's above ground.

Some of you might say that it shouldn't matter as long as I keep the overall stuff that happens in Yomihara, but not having it underground is like forgetting the Gungan city on Naboo is underwater.

BUT seeing as how I've had too many notification chapters in my stories, I'm gonna give you all some details about the changes I'm gonna make to the story.

1.) For "The Knight and the Show Host's Host" chapter (which I will come up with a better name for), I'm gonna have Ingrid bring up a conversation with Alastor as what he and the Radio Demon have done over the years. Not all of it will go into too much detail, but just enough to give you a sense of their adventures, and potentially some Chekhov's guns into the story.

2.) In "A date with a vampire" I will be reworking Felicia's introduction to fit with her overall character, as being raised by Edwin Black, she was never given the proper concept of love and somewhat acts like him. I will also change some of the direction that was taken in how Felicia ended up going to Elijah and Alastor's house. "Alastor's woes" will still occur as the result of it, but the prelude to it all will be different, with Elijah being very reluctant and annoyed of the cause of it.

3.) Also in "A date with a vampire" Elijah won't be a virgin, and reveal that he had drunken sex during a previous Mardi Gras... which had the special guest singer of none other than Verosika Mayday. This of course does confirm that Helluva Boss characters will appear in this story. I mean, they're just too perfect for the Taimanin universe—clearly not as rape filled, but I'm sure you all can see my point. Now, back on topic, I will be using this Mardi Gras incident as a reoccurring event that's brought up a few times here and there throughout the story until it has its pay-off. That pay-off being when I bring in the infamous succubus into the story.

4.) Obviously, as I've said, I'm rewriting stuff surrounding Yomihara, and how I need to write as being an underground town. Now I do recognize that the events of the first Taimanin Yukikaze VN is more so around the events of Taimanin Asagi 3, but changing all of that would require a complete overhaul of the story, which I don't think any of us want. So for this story, the events of TY are around TA1. It won't be like that for my other Taimanin stories, but it will be for this.

5.) Something else that I'm pretty sure I've stated before is that I want Elijah to learn and earn his powers. Not just have him OP from the get-go. Something which I can see Elijah being in some of the earlier chapters, so I'm gonna rework him to lower his power scale and while he's building it up, only have him let out large amounts when his angry or furious.

6.) For the chapter "Meeting other Taimanin" (again, gonna have a re-name) I'm gonna start the chapter off with the beginning—or flashback sequence?—of TY where Yukikaze, Rinko, and Tatsurou are taking down that meeting involving Real's brother, which will lead in to how they all meet Alastor and Elijah. I also intend to introduce this guy that works at the Taimanin academy who's basically the Taimanin's liaison with the Japanese government. I forget his name at the moment but his has a somewhat sturdy build with grey hair and a beard. From what I've read hole is a good guy too, so there's that. Maybe you guys know who I'm talking about if you've all played the VN.

7.) I'm gonna have a flashback that introduces how Alastor and Elijah came upon Mohawk the spider gremlin in "Things are about to get very entertaining part1". Now, speaking of that chapter, I'm still deciding whether to scrap the Wild Hunt characters I used as filler villains for the chapter or keep them in. On the one hand, they don't belong to the Taimanin universe and I only really did it for laughs. On the other hand, I know you all liked it a bit. But if I do end up changing them out, I'll just use demons/monster replacements and give them similar personalities to those Wild Hunt guys.

8.) For the fight Alastor had with Shiranui in "Let's Misbehave", I'm gonna stretch it out and show more detail to it. Shiranui's skills and water abilities clashing against Alastor's eldritch powers and cunning. I'm also gonna drive a further point home for Shiranui's twisted mind in "Things are about to get very entertaining part 2" by showing a fight with her against Rinko, Yukikaze, and Sammael before Alastor shows up. Have her dwindle down Rinko and Sammael while mentally tormenting Yukikaze with her words, all that stuff.

9.) I also have to go back, even on the first three revisions, and properly write in how the demons on Earth are from Dark World, while I plan on having actual Hell recognized as the Other World, something that's mentioned in Steel Witch of Annerose, and is the placed Barde Barde wanted to open a portal up to for the fun of it in that same VN.

That's basically what I mostly have planned for now in terms of how the revisions will go. It will take time, yes, since as an author I'm more focused on making new stuff than prioritizing older chapters, but once everything is revised and caught up, I'm sure you all will like how it'll turn out.

So with that all said, stay safe, be excellent to each other, and party on dudes.

"Until we meet again, my friends..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2022 ⏰

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