Dinner with a Radio Demon(revision)

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🎙:Shinjuku Gyoen, Tokyo~

"W-what?" Asagi asked in confusion and shock as she looked wide-eyed at the red themed demon in front of her.

"Well the question was quite simple! I asked if you were hungry." Alastor replied to her, his ever present smile unnerving her to no end as Alastor started to tap against the microphone top of his staff.

"Hello~? Is this thing on? Testing, testing!" Alastor spoke towards his microphone staff.

Just then, the eye on the microphone staff opened up and started to speak—something that furthered Asagi's confusion. "Well I heard you loud and clear!" Alastor's mic replied to him before the eye closed once more.

Alastor then looked back at Asagi. "See? Now how about I take you with me, and we can talk with each other while eating some wonderful jambalaya." He said, more so as a statement rather than a question.

Despite all the warning signs in her head, Asagi grit her teeth and scowled at the Radio Demon.

"Why should I go anywhere with you, let alone eat anything you try and serve me." Asagi glared at Alastor, albeit with fear hidden in her voice. "You can't exactly expect me to trust someone that I've just met, let alone a demon. A demon—mind you—that killed my Kyousuke right before my eyes!."

"You're what?" Alastor asked while tilting his head in confusion, his smile still ever present.

"Kyousuke wasn't a "what". He was a person! A kind and loving person." Asagi said as tears started to form within her eyes, though she tried to hold them back.

"...Do you mean the man who turned into a monster and tried to force himself upon you along with those other debaucherous demons?" Alastor asked Asagi.

"He-he wasn't always a monster." Asagi said as she looked off to the side, a said look on her face. "He was the kindest person there was. It wasn't his fault he ended up a monster."

"Ah, yet he turned into one!" Alastor stated. "Why mourn over a man that died a mindless monster in the end?"

While Alastor meant no malice with his cold hard words of truth, Asagi still scowled at him.

"Go to hell." Asagi said to him with venom in her voice.

"Been there, done that." Alastor brushed off the comment.

Asagi really wanted to punch Alastor in the face, but due to the effects of the ring that was on her hand, she couldn't move. But besides that though, she was still sad over the loss of her boyfriend, gritting her teeth and closing her eyes as she tried to hold back her tears.

From within his own head, Elijah looked at Asagi with sympathy before he spoke to Alastor."Could you try to be a little nicer?" He asked the Radio Demon.

"Who said I wasn't?" Alastor thought back to his host before looking back at Asagi.

"Okay, then can you try to be nicer than that?" Elijah asked him.

Alastor rolled his eyes as he looked at Asagi. He could truly care less on how she felt about him killing Kyousuke. He did what he needed—and wanted—to do. Nothing was going to change that.

Radio Taimanin Alastor (Hazbin Hotel x Taimanin universe crossover)Where stories live. Discover now