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I look down at oscar and Emily and I'm about to say something when the doorbell rings, and we all look around confused and jordan counts is all.

"One, two, three, four, five, six... no we're all here" Jordan says and we laugh

"I didn't invite around around did you?" My mum asks dad

He scoffs, "after I've just cleaned up? Mr friends would batter this house up"

"I have an idea, how bout someone opens the door?" Em asks and i smirk

"Sheesh" Jordan chuckles as he walks a few steps to the door, as he opens it he smiles.

"Hey" a deep voice says from behind the door

My mom gasps, "is that Ryder?"

"Hey mrs Wilson" the voice calls out as my mum rushes around jordan to face the person behind the door.

"aw honey, call me Dani I've told you millions of times. How are you doing, how's Kelly?"

"She's good" he tells her

I hear mumbles from the other side of the door, there must be more people there.

"Who's he talking to?" I ask em

"Ryder White, he's cute! All his brothers are" she blushes

"Wait the whitey boys?" I ask and she nods

"Why didn't I know we moved near them?" I ask

"Maybe because of everything that's been going on we didn't want to overload you with so many people" she shrugs

The whitey boys, we're our neighbours when jordan and i were younger, they moved to England when we were six. We hung our everyday, our parents were best friends too.

"Anyway man you still coming out?" Ryder asks

"Sorry guys last minute news, we're celebrating tonight" Jordan tells them before glancing at me smiling

"yeah our Holly is now-"

I don't want people to know about the whole cancer thing, I don't want to be know as the cancer kid at school. Not again. I want a fresh start

"now back on her feet and fine" I say interrupting her whilst making myself visible from the other side of the door, revealing four very very very very handsome, familiar people.

I look at them, Ace. He still has is blonde hair that he inherited from his mom, and his big brown eyes. I remember how his hair used to change colour in the winter and I was fascinated by it. He was the more quieter of the brothers but once you got to know how him you could never shut him up.

Ryder. He was high-key my favourite. My best friend. His personality was the best charming and a right cheeky bastard, that made us get away with any pranks. He always had a smile on his face. He is the most friendliest of people you'll ever meet, like ever.

Issac, he was a player from the start, I remember him kissing Kaylee Jones in the park and she ran off scared. That was very funny. He never once hit on me though. Jordan made sure of that. He said and I quote, "if you ever, get with Holly I will steal all of your pocket money so you can't buy any sweets"

Flynn, well his actually name is Finn, I changed it to Flynn because I was obsessed with Rapunzel and their personalities were a match. He was charming, daring, and confident. Finn is the definition of gorgeous, and he knows it. I look at him as his green eyes pierce through his brown hair, he moves his hair out of his eyes. Ah the jawline. Fucking hell is he good looking.

Why are they all so hot?

Puberty has hit them well, unlike me, as puberty with cancer and chemo and loads of different medications has major implications on one's self esteem.

Finn and I kind of had a weird relationship, he was very protective of me but it was kind of a young love type of thing, if you can even call or that at that age. There was always something between us, nothing like romantic but little things. He'd always hold my hand if I was crossing the road and then squeeze it to let go. He'd hate other boys in the playground talking to me so he'd take me away and sit with me for lunch, he'd always give me the Oreo's one his lunch because he didn't like them and I'd give him Reece's chocolate my mom would give me. So yeah, a strange relationship. But thank god that's all in the past.

Why are they all so good looking? What happened to my innocence. Well that went away years ago to be honest but let's talk about something else.

"Hey Holly" Ryder tells me

"Hey Ryder" I tell him smiling

"oh no, don't do it" my brother says

"Hollyarrrr" he tells me with a big smile on his face

"Rydsterrr" I say trying not to laugh

We both do robot arms.

Here's a little back story, we both found a TV show when we were younger called Gavin and Stacey. There are two characters Smithy and Gavin who are best friends and they have this thing wherever they are at each other's doors Smithy would walk in going "gavalarrr" and Gavin would say "Smithster" then do robot arms and the dance. So we added our names into it.

We start a conversation, "so why haven't we seen you around?"

"I've been homeschooled cause I had a shit time at my old school with bullies, but now I'm just going to dive in on Monday" i tell them

"Don't worry babe, we'll protect you" Issac tells me making me smile. I keep seeing Flynn look away from me, is he avoiding looking at me? Well what the fuck is wrong with him.

I look at Ryder and give him a confused look and he just sighs. Ace nudges him in the side causing him to look right at me and i freeze, his eyes piercing into mine, and I feel my heart quicken. Fuck. What's going on.

I see his eyes move down my body, luckily for me I learnt that I can't blush. I don't know why. I just can't. A trait that I am so thankful for in moments like these. I watch him as the cold look on his face turns to a quick smirk.

"Hey Rapunzel" he tells me

"Hey Flynn" I say holding back the smile on my face

We just stare at each other. I just can't pull my gaze away from his.

I haven't got a clue what is going on here. There's some sort of mood or tension in the air that I can't identify.

My mom clears her throat.

"I uh. I better get ready, I'll see you whitey boys on Monday" I say before walking away back into the house

I take a quick glance at my mom to see her smiling away like a village idiot and I just roll my eyes.

I quickly make my way upstairs into my room.

I head towards my wardrobe and I grab my blue ripped jeans my white off the shoulder jumper and white bralette.

During chemo, I lost weight which before I would have seen as a good thing. But I lost far too much.

It doesn't look like I'm majorly skinny yet but on the scales, that's another story.

Before I got cancer I kind of ate my problems away because I was getting bullied at school, so me being overweight didn't do me any help with the bullies, it only gave them more ammunition. So during treatment my weight fluctuated a lot. I struggled to maintain my weight.

"You ready?" My mom shouts from downstairs

"yeah one second" I shout before quickly putting my shoes on and running downstairs.

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