Fifty One

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I open my eyes to hair faint voices coming from the balcony.

I move my arm across the bed to find Finn but he's not there.

What the fuck?

I sit up and walk towards the balcony to see him in FaceTime with Kelly and my mom.

"Hey honey!" My mom shouts and I flinch as walk over to them

Finn wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me into his lap and i chuckle.

"Hey mom, you okay?" I ask her

I wrap an arm around Finn and he kisses my cheek.

"I'm good you? I hope you have been relaxing, what did you do yesterday?" She asks me

The opposite of relaxing.

"We just went out for dinner" I lie

"Oh really? Where?" She asks me

"Maccies" i say

"Is that all you did?" She asks me and i nod

"Well how come a video of you all doing super trouper at a club is all over the internet?" She asks me and I look at Finn

"I don't know what your talking about mom, are you sure it's me?" I ask her and Finn chuckles.

"100% I can recognise your voice anywhere" she tells me and i smile

"Am i in trouble?" I ask her

She laughs, "no! It's the best thing I've seen all week! Finn I can't believe she got you to do it"

I look at his smirking face. This cute annoying smirking face.

"Yeah well, she's very persuasive" he tells my mom and i blush remembering what happened when we got home last night.

Considering how much he wanted me to wear the lingerie set, he ripped it off faster than you could say garlic bread.

"She definitely is" my mom says snapping me out of my thoughts

"So how's your week been?" I ask her

"Quiet" she tells me and I gasp

"In a good and bad way, I miss you lot" my mom says

"Same here! It's weird being without you all creating a racket" Kelly says

"Well there's going to be one more around more often" Finn says and i laugh

"What do you mean?" Kelly asks

"Your not pregnant are you?" My mom asks and we both shake our heads

"Ace and Sophia have a little thing going on" i tell them

"Really?" Kelly asks shocked


"How do you know?" My mom asks

"We were liking through the he security footage for our-"

"For our football" Finn interrupts and my eyes widen

"Shit" i mumble

"And we saw them in the hot tub" Finn says and i burry my head in his neck and I feel him try not to laugh.

"You can't tell anyone" i tell them

"We won't because if we found out the only people we would have told is each other to be honest" Kelly says and i smile

"When are you setting off?" My mom asks me

"Well I packed the other day so soon I guess, I'm driving back according to Jordan" I tell my mom

"Be careful" she tells me and i nod

"I will" i tell her

"Holly!" Emily shouts as we get walk into our house

"Hi!" I say and she runs over and hugs me

"I've missed you so much!" She says

"So have I" i tell her

"You have to tell me everything! Did you go swimming?" She asks me and i smile at her

"Yes we did" i tell her, "how was the theme park?"

"It was so much fun!" She say and I stand up and get dizzy.

"Woah" i say and Emily looks at me

"Are you okay?" She asks me and i nod

"Yeah" i say trying to ignore the pounding in my head

"Hey honey!" I mom says

I try to walk but I feel my legs give out and I hit my head on the floor.

"Mom" I cry and she shouts at Jordan to call an ambulance

I hear more voices enter the house and I try to get up.

"Don't move honey" my dad tells me gripping my hand

"What's happening to me?" I cry

"I don't know" he says and I feel someone else hold my hand

I turn and look to see Finn with a worried expression across his face, "I'm sorry, I don't know what's going on"

"Shh, your okay" he says I feel the pain spread from my head and it makes its way down my body.

"It hurts" I cry out and I hear Emily and Oscar cry as my mom asks Kelly to take them away

"Holly?" Ryder asks crying as he sits down on the floor next to me

"Go, I don't want you to see this" i say

"I'm not going anywhere" he says as the throbbing in my head increases

"I don't want to go" i say closing my eyes

"Your not going anywhere" my dad says

"I love you all" i say and my vision blurs into darkness.

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