Thirty Nine

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I sigh happily looking at the cake I've just made.

My secret recipe, I haven't baked it in years. I miss baking, well the only thing I could bake was cake if I'm being honest.

I'm not really much of a cook either, I can if I want to but I'd rather just bang something in the oven.

My mom on the other end loves to cook, she taught me and jordan.

Well Jordan took more of an interest in it but I really couldn't be bothered.

The most effort is beans on toast, which is a good meal if I'm being honest. But I make a mean pasta bake.

I am joking, I can cook better than beans on toast but I don't really enjoy it.

Finn on the other hand loves to cook, he finds it relaxing.

I really don't see what he sees in cooking, I don't have the patience for it. I really don't.

It just makes me more and more hungry just watching the food.

All of a sudden i see a hand move towards my cake of wonder and I slap it away.

"Hey!" Finn whines

"Baby" i mumble

"Take it back" he says

"Nope" i say with a smile and he moves towards me and i laugh moving away.

"I want the first slice" he says and i laugh

"Are you mental! No! My cake my rules" i say and he narrows his eyes at me

"We'll see what I can do about that" he says before moving towards me.

"Wait!" I say suddenly and he looks at me

"We need to move the cake to a safe place" I say and he nods agreeing with me.

We can't afford any loss of life in our conflict. The cake needs to stay out of this, for it's safety.

"Okay" i say before backing away

"Your going to have to catch me darling!" I sing running away and he laughs

I look behind me to see him no where to be seen and I run down one of the many corridors in the house.

Thank fuck I'm a dancer and can run without making much noise.

I head into the same room that I found this morning and look around the mirrors room and my eyes land on a massive cardboard box.

"I know your down here Poppet" I hear him say and I curse in my mind before running to the cardboard box filled with polystyrene and I hide underneath it.

I love our relationship it's just filled with cinematic references and I wouldn't have it any other rest if I'm being honest.

I hear the door open and I know he's going to find me.

I couldn't find the best hiding spot in such short notice, who am I kidding there's a massive box in the middle of the room obviously he's going to find me.

"Holly" he sings and I roll my eyes, I chuckle silently but my shoulders are moving up and down

"I know your in this box, I can see it moving" he says and I sigh and he pulls me out of the box

"WERE BACK!" We hear Jordan shout

"OOO CAKE!" Ryder shout and both of our eyes widen and we sprint to the kitchen

"No!" I shout as Ryder freezes in his place holding a fork with a piece of cake on its way to his mouth

"Don't eat the cake!" I hiss


"Don't do it, it's ours" Finn says

"Well in that case" he says and eats it

"Your gonna die" I say as Finn charges towards Ryder and I grab the cake and move it out of the way.

"Run!" Finn shouts at me and I run up the two flights of stairs into our room.

It's been around twenty minutes and I hear some rush into my room and I protect the cake with my body and I sigh when I see Finn.

"Come here!" I say and he rushes towards me

"Where is he?" I ask

"About ten seconds behind me" he says panting and I lock the bathroom door which connects to my room and I rush to the balcony to make sure it's locked so he can't get in.

"I got forks" he says handing me one and i smile

"Great!" I say as we sit on the floor and eat the cake

"I know your in there!" Ryder shouts, "I know you have cake! THE CAKE! Hollys cake of wonder! I've not had it for years! please!"

"Ryder go away!" Finn shouts

"Why?" He asks

Finn looks at me and i smirk, "We're having sex!" I shout

"It doesn't sound like it!" He shouts and I roll my eyes

"That's cause... we know how to be quiet" i say

"That's so not true" Finn tells me and i blush before flipping him off

"Your not so innocent yourself" I say

"Oh really" he challenges

"Yeah you were like" i say before mustering up a deep voice, "Holly, fuck, you feel so good"

Finn laughs, "fine do you want an impression of you?"

"Not really" i say sheepishly

"Too bad" he says

He begins in a high pitch voice, "oh-"

"Right enough" i snap interrupting him before be can say anything else that I don't want repeating with people listening in.

We both look at each other before laughing

"We're a mess" I say and he laughs agreeing

"In the best possible way though" he says and i smile

"Yeah, plus we have cake!" I say smiling "many problems can be solved with cake"

He hands me a fork and i cake some of the cake and eat it.

"Why is it better than it used to be?" He asks

"I dunno, but fuck it's amazing" I say eating more

"I know!" He says taking another mouthful

There might be no cake left by the time we leave the room...

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