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"here" i say giving Ace his present

He opens it to see his mug and he laughs "thank you! i can't wait to smash this after"

"wait what?" i ask confused

"i have a room where i smash things, i throw things like plates and mugs against walls and stuff, it's a good stress relief" he tells me

"oh my god can i do it?" i ask

"yeah come round any time, it's so much fun" he tells me

i smile at him "i will do" before turning to Issac

"here Issac" i say smirking

"why is she smirking?" He asks Jordan wearily taking it off me, narrowing his eyes at me

"you said a surprise" i say

"i don't know if i want to open it" he tells me

"oh trust me you do" i nod

He opens the present slowly and bursts out laughing

"what? what did she get you?" Ryder asks eagerly looking over his brothers shoulder.

"A lady blow up chubby suit" he tells them showing them the picture making everyone laugh

"Now for Ryder" i say handing him the present

He wastes no time and rips the paper off it.

He gasps, "oh my god!"

He hugs me before turning to his mom and dad

"she got me glow in the dark paint!" he tells them with a big smile on his face

I'm about to turn to Finn but something interrupts me.

"Finn!" a high pitch voice shrieks causing me to flinch and Kelly, Raymond and my dad to laugh

"urgh hi Veronica" he tells her

"look what i got you" she tells him handing him a box

"oh my god she's gonna propose to him" Ryder says from behind me making me and Raymond laugh

She whips her head to me and glares at me.

It wasn't just a glare, it was a glare glare. Like a glare that says she's gonna kill me glare.

A glare that i give Jordan when he eats MY oreos.

I open my mouth wide in shock and turn around to them, "did you see that?" i say looking at them

"it's alright honey, her bullshit won't last in this house" Kelly tells me causing me to smile

I turn around to see Flynn open his present.

"A rolex watch" he tells her slightly shocked

"ooo bad move he's got that one in about a gazillion colours" Ryder says "most of them are fake but that doesn't matter"

"thanks Veronica" he tells her before turning to me

"What give it here" Ryder says gesturing to the watch

"Okay Flynn, I got you a gift" i say giving him an envelope

"yeah an envelope" Veronica says from behind him

"i told you Rapunzel you didn-" he stops himself as he looks inside

I watch his face as a big smile takes over it, he pulls me into a hug and i hug him back.

"what? what did she get you?" Ryder asks

"yeah what did she get you?" 

I smile as i watch Flynn pulls out a $20 dollar note

"oh my god that's the best gift ever!" Issac tells me

"oh honey how thoughtful" Kelly says

"technically that was my money you was borrowing to buy her freddos but i'll let that slide" Raymond says

"It's a twenty dollar note!" Veronica shrieks "i bought you a watch! Your so ungrateful! I bet she robbed it from someone. She's such a tramp look at her. The skinny bitch looks fucking anorexic"

Tears start to well up in my eyes and Flynn pulls me into a hug, kind of in a protective way

"get out of my house" Raymond booms at her

She is caught so much off guard that she falls onto the floor.

She gets up to leave but as soon as she gets to walk past me she is about to push me before Flynn gets in front of her and towers over her.

"don't you ever, try to hurt her" he tells her his voice sounding icy cold

"why are you so protective of her Finn? she is nothing! she's not even good looking!" she sneers

"This girl has been through so much shit and she is still kind to everyone and treats people she doesn't even know with respect. She is so thoughtful even though she can have this i don't give a fuck attitude going on, behind that is someone who holds people best interests at heart"

"and she's beautiful inside and out! i prefer her blonde natural hair but she still gets it dyed brown anyway because she was bullied for having blonde hair when she was younger because people said she was stupid and weak! when the truth is she is so smart and so much stronger than she lets on. She's the type of person you would only wish to be, but your head is so far up your arse that you can't even see straight never mind act like a decent human being!" he practically shouts at her

"she never judges people for being themselves, unlike you! She is so accepting and forgiving even when she shouldn't be. This girl is not afraid to tell the truth weather you like it or not and in the end it's the better for everyone"

"She has had to weave her way through life whilst you have had everything handed to you on a plate and you treat people like a piece of shit, well not in this house"

"Security, get her out of here and make sure she never steps a foot back in this house" Finn snaps

"I'd just like to add that the watch is fake" Ryder says  behind me

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