Twenty Seven

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Skip to wednesday.

The doctors let me come home today but they put me on bed rest. I'm not doing that.

The girls and the theatre bitches came and saw me yesterday which was nice and i showed them the glow in the dark paining which Ryder created.

I hope that he's taking art or something at college because he's got so much talent. It's unbelievable.

"So what takeaway are we having?" Emily asks excitedly jumping down onto the sofa next to me.

"you pick" Ryder tells her and she smiles

Oh and we're babysitting whilst out families go to the competition.

"Mom said she's going to text us when they are nearly home and we're going to go see him, if he wins" Ryder says and i nod

"You two decided yet?" i ask

"Give is time Holly!" Oscar shouts

"this is a very important decision we are about to make here to don't rush the process" Emily shouts from the other side of the room which is only a few metres away

All of a sudden they rush back to us and standing infront of us.

"After a lot of arguing, a few punches were thrown"

"tears were shed, lives were almost lost"

"but the takeaway is"

"Italian" they both say together

Ryder and i chuckle, "alright, Ryders gonna order it. Em do you need help with your dance?"

"Oh yes!" she says eagerly

"Remember it starts at half twelve so you have twenty minutes!" Ryder shouts after us as she pulls me into the studio.

Okay so my house is big very big. But i wouldn't say were like rich rich compared to some people *cough* The White Family*cough cough*.

My dad he struggled when he was younger for money and i guess that's why he has such an important job and why he works so hard so that he can give us a different upbringing than he had.

Suddenly music starts playing, "so i need help with this" she says attempting a pirouette but falling over

20 mins later

I watch how she spins twice and finishes the pirouette nicely.

"you did it!" i say smiling at her and she beams before running and giving me a hug

"Thank you so so so so so much!!" she says hugging me tightly

"it's no problem" i say and she smiles up at me

"TAKEAWAY AND ITS TIME" i hear Oscar shout and we make our way upstairs

2 hours later

We watch nervously as the results come in.

He didn't place on the vault, floor or Pommel Horse.

"First place on the rings goes to Finley White!" the man over the speaker says and we all cheer for him and we can hear Issac shouting through the screen.

"second place on horizontal bars goes to Finley White!"

"First place on the parallel bars goes to Finley White!"

I watch with a big smile on my face as his team congratulate him.

"he did well" i say

"he did, he's gonna be annoyed that he didn't win on the other apparatus" he says

"well at least he placed" i tell him

"I want to do gymnastics" Oscar says

"You do?" i ask turning to look at him

"No i've given a few seconds of thought and i've decided it's too munch effort" he says and we all burst out laughing.

"Alright" i say shaking my head with a smile.

He's been working so hard for this, i know he's going to be disappointed with the result of some of them because he didn't win anything.

I thought he was great-

My phone ringing cuts me off to see a facetime call from the girls

"HOLLY!" Ellie shouts

"yeah?" i ask and Ryder comes into view

"hey Ryder!" Freya says

"hi Freya" he says

"there's a new girl in school!"

"who is she?" i ask

"i don't know i can't remember her name but she's really bitchy, Veronica has already got her around her claws" Sophia says and i nod

"she left though to go to see her boyfriend" Bella says and i shrug

"Shit! Got to go teacher is heading towards me in class bye!"

She hangs up and i laugh.

"Mom said they are only a few minutes away" Ryder says

"okay, let's go then" i say and Emily and Oscar run out of the door.

"are we walking?" i ask Ryder and he scoffs

"no your on rest remember" he says and i nod

I pick up the rubbish and i take it outside, i'm about to put it in the bin but all of a sudden Ryder beeps the car horn and it goes flying in the air.

I hear them all laugh at me through the car and i glare at them as i pick it all up and put it in the bin.

"I hate you all" i say siting in the front seat

"you love us" Oscar says

"i do love you" i say and we drive down the driveway and up onto their driveway of their house.

Sometimes i forget we live next door to them, it's so strange to think that even though i live next to them our houses seem so far away.

"So what's going on with you and Finn?" Emily asks

"Nothing why?" i ask

"Well i don't know you seem close and i thought you were together but not telling anyone"

"that's what we were all thinking" Ryder says

"I think you should get together, you should see they way he looks at you. It looks like when Oscar sees chocolate for the first time when he comes back from holiday" Emily says and we laugh

"She's right you know, you guys have them chemistry going on" Oscar says

He's been watching too many of moms dating shows.

I roll my eyes, "look even if he would want to be with me, he wouldn't. And he deserves better than some sick kid"

"don't say that about yourself" Ryder says stopping the car

"it's true" i say as we get out of the car and i see them get out of the car

"he'd never want to get with me" i say looking at

Ryder to see him frozen in his spot

I move my gaze to see a Finn and a dark haired girl pull him in for a kiss and i feel my heart drop.

She moves her hand onto the side of his face and he moves his hands to her waist.

Oh my god.

In that moment in time i freeze and everything becomes apparent to me.

I'm in love with Finley White.

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