Thirty One

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Okay so i just want to say thank you all so much!! in the last month i've got over 1000 reads so i'm so shocked!!

Thanks for reading!! Please vote if you enjoy the chapter! happy reading!!

woah, happy reading... a bit cringe worthy not gonna lie to you!

Okay i'm just going to shut up and let you read now...


So the day before i went back to school i was going to write some music? Well that didn't work out. Like at all.

Turns out I was way too angry and couldn't focus at all.

So i packed my ipad and my song book incase i get any inspiration at all but i don't think that is going to happen.

Jordan and I get into the car and I lost count of how many hours we have been driving when we got to the five hour mark.

"IM OFF THE DEEP END WATCH AS I DIVE IN!" i hear him sing waking me up with a jolt and he looks at me and laughs

"You alright Holls?"

"No" i glare at him

"you love my singing really" he says

"i don't"

"you just jealous" he says and i laugh

"of what?"

"my good looks and talent"

"keep telling yourself that" i say and he laughs

"how far away are we?" i ask him

"five minutes" he says yawning

"half eleven!" i shout looking at the time displayed on my phone screen.

"yeah everyone else took a flight.... they were smart. We aren't" he says

"a flight" i repeat

"yep, your driving back i can't do this again" he says

"Alright, if you insist" i say and we make our way down some streets

"So finn" he says

"what about him"

"you love him" he says

"no it's a love hate relationship and hate is winning at the moment and it always will" i say and he looks at me with a concerned look on his face

"don't look at me like that" i say

"like what?"

"like i need comforting, cause i don't. I survived without Finn in my life for more than ten years, i think i can survive now" i say

"okay okay" he says as she parks outside of a house

I see Bella run out of the door and i jump out of the car and she hugs me.

"I've saved you one of the biggest rooms, it has a tv!" she says and i laugh

"thank you" i say

"It has a sharing balcony though" she says

"cool who am i sharing it with?" i ask

"Finn" she says quietly


"Finn, he just said this was gonna be his room and i'm under strict orders by Kelly not to let him and Sarah to share a room cause she doesn't want any grandchildren.... yet" she says "she also said that she doesn't want sarah to be her daughter in law so i'm guessing children is off the table"

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