Fourty Two

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We drove down to the towns on the sea front around twenty minute drive away.

"Woah" i say looking at the blue clear water whilst standing on the beach

"You've always loved the beach" he says and i nod

"I can't help it, I love the water" i say

"You used to want to be a mermaid" he says smiling

"Used to? I still do" I say making him laugh

"Don't laugh at me Rider, you wanted to be Spider-Man" I say

"Still do" he says and now it's my turn to laugh

"Tom Holland is gorgeous" i mumble and I feel him tense beside me and i laugh

"Not as handsome as you" i say turning to him and he relaxes

"That's right" he says coming out of a sulk.

"Your such a baby" I say and he glares at me

"Am not"

I laugh, "whatever makes you feel better"

I look outwards the sea again and see a lot of people surfing and I sigh. What i'd do to get in that water.

I used to surf everyday in Cali and I miss it.

"Come on let's get some lunch" he says taking my hand as we make our way off the beach.

We walk up the steps and off the beach onto a promenade, it's filled with local shops selling things from shell necklaces to skateboards.

"I love little shops like these, you know like little local ones" i tell him as we walk past them

"I know what you mean but I like the skateboard shops" he says and i nod

"You always have, you use to run in there saying you'd buy one but your mom wouldn't let you" i say with a chuckle

"They were dark days" he says with a frown and I can't help but laugh

"Your so dramatic" I say with a smile

"Not as dramatic as Ryder, i don't know what's wrong with him" Finn says and i laugh as we walk into a small cafe.

We sit down at a table with an ocean view.

"Well i think it's like ever since Liv cheated on him, he just turned to comedy" i say and he nods

"I hated her" Finn tells with with a scowl planted on his face

"I know so do I" i say putting my hand on his and he relaxes, "I didn't meet her but from what Izzy told me, she sounded like a right old witch"

He laughs, "oh she was, she had Ryder fooled"

"To be fair he was his first girlfriend" I say and he nods

"You always get attached to your first girlfriend" he says looking at me

"Hey, we didn't date when we were younger" I say

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