Fifty Five

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Finns pov

I open the box, the box she left me. With my costume in.

I open it to see a Flynn Rider costume and I smile.

Keep it together Finn.

She doesn't want you to cry.

I stand at the front of the church.

And I look at her in her popcorn casket, in her Rapunzel dress and wig and i give her a small smile.

"I love you Holly" I say before walking past her casket and sitting down on the benches next to Ace in his tight ABBA costume.

"These fucking heals" he curses and it echos across the church and everyone laughs

"We are gathered here today, to lay Holly Wilson to rest" the priest says

"I must say, I've never... seen such outfits like this in my church" he says looking at Jordan and i let out a laugh

Holly knew what she was doing, she knew that if she could make at least one person laugh that would be good enough for her.

"Now I believe that Jordan has a few words to say" he says and Jordan walks up to the alter.

"Hi, I'm Jordan. Hollys brother, I thought I'd share a few words about her" He begins

"When we got told Holly had cancer we knew that it was risky. We knew that we had limited time with her but after we thought she got better we all relaxed but it soon showed how much we were wrong" he says and i let out a shaky breath and my mum holds my hand and i give her a small smile

"But she didn't let it affect her. She hated the word cancer because she knew that people would treat her differently. She didn't let cancer define her, she didn't let it affect her. Well she didn't let anyone know that if affected her. Holly always liked to make people smile, to make people laugh. Whether that was kicking off about pineapple on pizza or her obsession over garlic bread or preforming ABBA songs in a club we snook into. Sorry not sorry mom" he says making a few people chuckle

"When Holly told me i was wearing this I'm not going to lie, I was worried about what father Jerry here would think" he says making father Jerry laugh before he coughs slightly and everyone's attention turns to Jordan's dad.

"Fucks sake, this is so bad" he mumbles

"Sorry father" he says before standing up and he points the scythe at him and the whole church erupts in laughter

"Holly was quite the prankster, she was the first person to make a joke out of a bad situation to make a positive side to it. Like today, she planned this whole day to try and make people laugh. She was so excited when she planned out people's outfits because she knew that she could get away with anything but, she knew that this was her way she could add a positive side to this situation"

"Holly is a great sister and I can speak for us three when we can safely say that she would do anything for us. Whether that was speaking up to ex girlfriends or helping people with dance moves. She was the best sister anyone could have ever asked for. And the best daughter that mom and dad could have raised"

"When Holly was allowed to start school a few days before she started, she fell in love. She fell in love with the only person I would say is acceptable for her, and these past months Finn or as she called him Flynn as you can tell by the costume, has proved that to everyone. He visited her for hours on end, not talking about cancer but just random things that would take her mind of everything" Jordan says looking at me.

I wipe away tears from my face as Jordan carries on talking.

"I don't know that if he knew it but those conversations made the difference between her having a good or a bad day. Finn you kept her going, but now we need to keep you going mate. We need to support you because whilst we were processing everything, you put everything on hold for her because you love her. And anyone could tell that you did" he says and my mom squeezes my hand

"Now, Holly didn't have a boring life. It was certainly eventful from the minute we were born. My sister was, no is miss national soloist. She is a performer, she lived for those moments that made her feel alive. My sister lived her life to the fullest and I can only hope that I am able to do the same. She was the life and soul of the party. I had to add that reference not just because of how mamma Mia obsessed she was, but how true it is" says and i smile

"Waterloo! I promise I'll love you forever more" she sings to me in the club and I spin her around and she laughs with a big smile on her face.

"I'll always remember what she told me, she told me that she's not gone. She said that she lives on within us, she said she'll be with us and that's important remember because she's not truly gone. We have memories and the love she has for all of us, will love on forever" he says trying not to gone

"So my twin sister, isn't gone. She lives on within me, and I'm going to do everything that I can to make her proud. I'm going to live the life she didn't get, and I'm going to live that life to the fullest for her. And you all should too because if you don't I can guarantee she won't be happy. My sister was a fighter and she never gave up. And I aspire to be like that because she's my inspiration, so I'm going to try. For her. It won't be easy, but I know that she's going to be with me" he says before moving of the podium and sitting down in between Emily and Oscar

"Let us pray"

"Now Holly has chosen a song to leave, now by the looks of your costumes it could be anything" he says making a few people laugh

The music starts playing and everyone laughs.

"My my and Waterloo napoleon did surrender"

The ABBA song plays throughout the church.

Holly. I promise I'll love you forever more.

Do you guys want me to end it here or not? I have a bonus chapter, but it's not the best.

Comment if you want it and please vote x

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