Twenty Eight

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Ryders Pov

I glance at Holly to see a look of shock mixed with a glimmer of sadness across her face and Oscar and Emily have noticed it too because they are now hugging her.

I take another look at the girl.


"OH HELL NO!" i shout making everyone look at me and Issac and Ace walk over to me with the same expression.

"I know" Issac says

"what the fuck is she doing here" i say outraged

"is Holly alright?" Ace asks and we look at her again.

"i'm gonna take that as a no" Jordan says

"She looks heartbroken" Issac says

"That's cause she is" i say

She's just realised that she likes him.

It's very bad timing.....

Hollys pov

Emily moves away from me and runs up to Finn and I make my way over to the boys.

"you okay?" Ace asks

"well isn't this just kick you in the crotch spit on your neck fantastic" i say and they all look at me

They but don't say anything about the friends reference i just made because they know what's up.

"Well done!" Emily says and he smiles at her

"Thanks Em" he says

"who is this?" Emily asks Finn and automatically Oscar is by her side.

I watch as the girl moves away from them.

It's Sarah Wilkinson.

"I'm his girlfriend" Sarah says and Emily scoffs

"oh" Emily says and Oscar laughs

"how long have you been together for?" Oscar asks her

"since we were in our teens" she says

"and you talk to each other everyday since he's been here?" Emily asks

"no well-"

"sorry then atleast once a week-"

"no but-"

"well than i refuse to believe you two are together when my mommy and daddy can't even go half a day without talking to each other" Oscar says

"exactly, because if you love someone you talk to them all the time, you visit them. How you come you have never visited huh? Don't care enough, only after his money huh?" Emily says getting angry and i couldn't be prouder right now.

"Savage" i hear ace mumble

Oscar and Emily's interrogation skills have gone up massively and i can tell Jordan is so pleased.

"look little girl i don't know who you are but you are so rude, stay away from me" she begins with a horrible tone and that's the last straw

I feel my blood boil as i walk up to her, "do not talk to her talk to her like that again, do you hear me? Who do you think you are talking to a little girl like that" i say outraged and now Jordan is making his way over to us at the corner of my eye but dad stops him.

"go on holly!" i hear Ryder says encouragingly

"Your horrible! Don't talk to my sister like that, i am the only one who can be mean to her. You got that Lady!" Oscar says raising his voice

I watch as she rolls her eyes at us

"Talk about the scum of the earth" i hear Ace say

"Holly, Emily and Oscar" my mom says in a warning voice "she's not worth it"

"Your right" i say turning to her and everyone looks at me shocked

"there is no point of wasting my breath on someone who talks to little children like a piece of" i see oscar and emily cover their ears making Kelly, Raymond, mom and dad laugh lightly "shit"

I nudge Emily and Oscar to let them know that it's safe.

"Your just not worth my time" i say and she glares at me

I turn to Finn, "congrats Finn, you were amazing. Tell the boys congratulations from me, Nile was great"

"you watched it all?" he asks shocked

"yeah why would i? Its what you love to do, plus i had to see who your competition was" i say and he smiles at me.

I hear Sarah scoff at me, "atleast i was there"

"yeah well i'm on medical rest but i'm happy for you that you feel the need to get one up on me, on a stranger because you feel so threatened" i say and her smug look falters.

I look back to Finn again and he has a confused look on his face "i'll leave you two to snog each other's faces off, shall i?"

I turn around and begin the walk home.

"Rapunzel" He begins and i turn around to see about five steps away from me and he has a confused expression across his face.

"Come on babe, she's not worth it" Sarah says kissing his cheek.

I didn't know i was crying until i feel a tear fall down the side of my face.

"Bye Finley" i say and i hear gasps from everyone around me.

I turn around and walk off.

Jordan's Pov

"Bye Finley" she says and no one could have stopped the gasps coming from their mouths at that moment in time

"this is bad... very very bad" Ryder says

I look at Finn to see him a shocked expression across his face and he's now the one who looks hurt.

Kelly walks up to him and puts her hand on his arm, "she didn't say it back" he says

"she's crying" i say catching the attention of everyone around me and i watch her walk her way down the driveway.

"how do you know?"

"i just know" i say before running down the driveway after her.

"Holly" i say touching her shoulder and she wipes away her tears

"what's up Jordan" she asks me and i stand i front of her.

Her eyes are red and i can tell she's heartbroken just my looking at her.

I pull her in for a hug.

"i love him jordan" she says crying into my arms

"i know you do" i say.

That's all i can say to her.

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