Chapter One: UK here we come

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Bibi's POV
Abuja, Nigeria.

Mama is still not home again; it's only the maids that are home, and Mama expects us to get everything ready when she is not home.

How does she want me to get all her stuff packed and ready to go?

Oh, I'm so sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Bibi Ahmad Lawal (Nadia). I am 18 years old, and I live in Abuja with my mom. I school at Baze University, my mom is the P.A. to the governor of Adamawa State, so she is not always home, and that has led to me growing up alone in this boring house.

I don't have any siblings, at least not from my mom. This might surprise you, but I have never laid my eyes on them in my 18 years of life.

Mama said they are three in number, namely Yasmin, Nabeel, and Ibteey, my dad included. I have always asked my mom why they got separated, but she always says "story for another day," so I just do as she says, which is to wait for another day.

Well, we are moving to the UK, and for some reason, which I don't know, I asked Mama, but she said, "Not now, dear; I will tell you when we get there."

Don't blame me; those were her exact words, so... I just have to wait until we get there, plus I have to beg Mama to please allow Aunty Shafa to go with us.

I know you must be wondering who she is. Well, she is like my second mother; she was there when Mama wasn't there to assist me, so she's practically my second mom.

Moving up to my room, I entered my bathroom and turned on the tap to fill the jacuzzi. After filling it up, I climbed in for a relaxing bath.

I came out thirty minutes later and slipped on my bathrobe.

I moved into my walk-in closet, and my eyes landed on my favorite evening dress. I brought it out and sat down in front of my dressing mirror to get ready.

I applied my body lotion, then put on the gown and wrapped my veil in a lazy style before proceeding to the area where I kept my boxes so I could start packing. Urgh, I feel like crying. I have a lot of clothes. I'm a fashion freak. Even my friends and mom know I'm a freak when it comes to clothes.


Three hours later, I'm halfway done, plus I'm really hungry, so I decided to go down to get something to eat. I meet Aunty Shafa in the sitting room, who was eyeing me and waiting for me to talk so she could say something like, "Wato bibi kin dawo gida baki zo kin gayshe ni bah." So, Bibi, you are home but didn't bother to come say hi, she said, giving me a stink eye.

I ran up to her and gave her a hug, sitting on her lap in the process. "Walahi Aunty Shafa, bah haka bane. "No, Aunty Shafa, it is not what you are thinking," I began.

"I came back home tired, so I decided to go up, take my bath, and then arrange a few things of mine so as to reduce my work; that was why I didn't come to see you," I said, hoping she would smile.

I pulled on my puppy's face, knowing she wouldn't be able to resist it. I am too cute to be ignored; no one can resist this face of mine. And she smiled—just what I wanted—before she spoke again. "I can never stay angry at this face," she chuckled, pushing me off her in the process. "You're becoming too heavy," she complained. I laughed at her statement and made my way into the kitchen.

What's for lunch? I thought.

I entered the kitchen, and lunch was done already. I got a plate and put in some salad and a bit of rice, then I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and left for the dining room.

After I finished, I called Alice, our other maid, to come take my plate, and she came in a few minutes later and took my plate before I left and decided to go see if Mama was done packing, and guess what? She was done.

Mama has ways, and I really want to know them. I wonder how she got all this done in one day while I am still not done with mine. Deciding to wait for her, I sat down on her bed and waited for her to come out of the bathroom, as Alice had said that she was back from work.

She came out a few minutes later, and I gave her a big hug, to which she reciprocated. She pecked me on the forehead before we moved to her bed, and she told me about her day till I slept off.


I woke up due to the adhan from Mama's window, so I stood up and left. I went back to my room and performed ablution, praying my three rakaat salah. I went back to Mama's room after saying some supplications.

I said my salam and entered. She was still on her prayer mat, reading the Quran, so I decided to wait for her.

When she finished, she tapped her laps. I already knew what it meant, so I gently placed my head on her lap, and we continued chatting. "Mama," I called, "yes, habibi?" "Can Aunty Shafa join us on our trip?" I asked, hoping she would say yes.

"Yes, of course she can, but only on one condition," she said, causing me to pause. "That is..." I squeaked. "If she has no problem with it," she said, completing her sentence. "Thank you so much, mama," I yelled, hugging her in the process. "I'll be back," I said as I left Mama's room and ran down the corridor to Aunty Shafa's room. I even forgot to knock; I just entered the room shouting.

She looked up confused, so I decided to calm down and ask her, "Aunty Shafa, do you want to move to the UK with us? That's if you don't mind," I asked. "Hmm," she hummed. "Of course I will. I would love to go." She smiled. "Thank you so much." I squealed, running out of her room again and back to Mama.

"She said yes, mama," I said, panting already out of breath. "Ok, then she will be going to the immigration office to get her passport renewed," she said, and I nodded in understanding. We continued our chat with her until it was time for Isha.

So I left to go and pray also. I wasn't hungry, so I just prayed, took my bath, put on my pajamas, and got ready for bed. I climbed my bed and then set my alarm, and off to La La Land I went.


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