Chapter Twenty: Just the beginning.

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Bibi's POV.
Abuja, Nigeria.
Her new home.

The girls finally settled on four hundred thousand before they let him come in, getting their bags and shoes. They left after giving me a hug and promising to come by tomorrow. Then it was only Mr. Arrogant and me that were left in my room.

Standing up from my bed to go to the bathroom, he said, "Go freshen up and meet me in my room," and with that, he left the room. So arrogant, Walahi. I wonder why he feels so big about himself when he is just a normal human.

After removing the last layer of makeup from my face, I stripped off the heavy gown and took a cold shower. I really needed that. After my bath, I walked out of the bathroom and took out a long-sleeved pyjama shirt and pants.

Putting them on, I performed ablution, picked out my hijab, and was off to Ayman's room. Saying my salam, I entered the room and found Ayman on the prayer mat, already waiting for me. I put on my hijab and stood behind him as he led the two raka'at salah, and then after praying, he turned around and said this short prayer:

Allaahumma 'innee 'as'aluka khayrahaa wa khayra majabaltahaa 'alayhi wa 'a'oothu bika min sharrihaa wa sharri majabaltahaa 'alayhi.

Meaning: Oh Allah, I ask for your goodness and the goodness upon which you have created her.

I stood up, folded his prayer mat, and kept it aside. I started heading for the door. "Hey, wait! I didn't say you could leave. Have a seat," he said, pointing at the empty space beside him.

Walking over to him, I sat down, looking down at my nails. He started talking, "You and I both know you got married for the sake of our parents, so please mind your business and I'll mind mine. Okay,  and I don't care what you do, but you better not do something that will hurt my father's feelings because then I will show you my true colours.

I'm not really in the mood to talk, but if I were, I would have put this guy where he belongs. "Is that all?" I asked. "Yes, you may leave," he said, dismissing me.

Immediately I entered my room, turned off the lights, and climbed into bed. Once the warmth got to me, I was out cold.

Next morning.

I woke up around 10:30 and took my bath. I put on a two-piece skirt and blouse. I tied my head tie and rubbed some powder and some vaseline on my lips. I was ready to go. I hope the maid Aunty Maimuna has made breakfast because I haven't eaten anything since yesterday. Walking down the stairs, I padded over to the dining area, but there was nothing on the table, even though it was beautiful.

Seeing that the dining room was empty except for the plates, I decided to check the kitchen. Maybe she was not done. Upon reaching the kitchen, it was spotless; nothing was touched or moved, not even the aroma of food was coming from the kitchen. I heard noises from where, I guess, Ayman was studying, so I decided to go ask him about the maid.

Reaching the door, I knocked, but there was no answer, so I opened the door and peeped inside, and there he was, sitting on a couch at the far end of the study, typing something on his phone, smiling. I'm sure it's Bilkisu.

"Uhm hi'' I said, squeezing myself through the giant door. "Please, I didn't see the maid in the kitchen or anywhere, so I was wondering if Aunty Maimuna has sent the maid'' I asked.
"Oh yeah, she did, but I sent her back and told Ammi you could handle everything. I hope it's not a problem." He said, smiling sweetly.

"But we just got married yesterday, Ayman. Yes, I can handle it, but at least I should have at least one week of rest," I whined, folding my arms over my chest.
"Oh really? Well done. I see you want to start lazing around already. Well,  this is your house, and you have to take responsibility for it. You are no longer a small child. Now go get me my food. I am starving'' he stressed.
"Okay," I mumbled, "your food will be ready in twenty minutes," and with that, I left the room.

This is going to be a long day. I sighed, bringing out the ingredients I was going to need.

Sup people i'm back with an early update 😌💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻.

Hmm 😒 ayman is testing my patience wlhi,am thinking of suspending him from this story till he learns his lesson. Or what do u think guys?

See u soon and don't forget to vote comment and share.
Love you all ❤️.


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