Chapter Five: Making friends

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Bibi's POV
United Kingdom.

I go to bed thinking of the new friends I will make when I start my new school. I just can't believe I'm going to school at Oxford University.

The Next Morning.

Mama woke me up as early as seven thirty to get ready, and now I have thirty minutes left to get dressed and meet her downstairs.
I took a fifteen-minute bath, brushed my teeth and hair, then walked into my closet to pick out today's outfit.

I settled on a floral-colored jumpsuit lying around, so I put it on with a white shirt inside.
I wrapped a matching veil around my head and sprayed my favorite perfume. Grabbing my sneakers, phone, and, of course, my AirPods.

I put on some kohl to pop out my eyes and some lip balm. I put everything I was going to need in my handbag and exited the room in a hurry. I rushed down the stairs, careful not to fall down, as I made my way to the kitchen for breakfast.

I have five minutes left, and if I'm not outside within these five minutes, I promise you mama will leave me at home.

Grabbing an empty zip-lock bag, I put in two slices of toast and seal it up. Making myself a cup of hot chocolate, I run out of the house just to meet Mama entering the car.


The drive to school was a twenty-minute drive. We arrived in no time. After filling out the forms, I was asked a few questions to wrap it up.

The secretary asked me to step out so she could ask Mama a few questions, so I picked up my stuff and left.

I decided to explore the school when I bumped into an Arabian-looking girl. "I'm so sorry; I wasn't looking where I was going. I hope I didn't hit you hard." She asked with a concerned face.

"No, it's okay." I'm Nadia; nice to meet you," I replied. "And I'm Iman; nice to meet you too.".

She gave me a tour around the school, and we learnt a little about each other.

We are studying the same course, which means we get to hang out together most of the time meaning I wouldn't be stranded on my first day at school. Talk about being lucky.

She's also a transfer student who was transferred here three weeks ago, but it's like she has learned a lot already. From the looks of it, we are going to be good friends.

I introduced her to Mama, and we left.

New school huh?!
I love and also hate new schools 'cause you meet new people but you'll still miss your old classmates, but that's life tho.

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