Chapter Three: Meeting Mr arrogant (PT two)

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Bibi's POV
United Kingdom.

We got home, and wow, is all I can say. I told Mama I would do my room myself, so I'm sure it's empty and bare except for the furniture.
"I would be up in my room unpacking if you need me," I said before I hurried off to my room.

I opened the door to my room with the keys Mama gave me, and with a salam, I entered my room, which was, just like I said, bare and empty.
I moved to my bed and sat down, just staring at the wall, thinking of how to start and where to start from.

But sitting down wasn't helping, so I picked up my mini travel bag and entered the bathroom. I stared at arranging my toiletries because I seriously needed a bath. I'm sure I stink right now.

After I arrange my shampoos, bathgels, bathrobes, hair, and normal towels, my brushes and you now the rest; no need to explain further. I ordered all these, and thankfully they arrived today; if not, I would be toast.

I went downstairs, opened a box that said "scented candles," carried five, and ran back up before anyone would notice my presence. I found spots for them in my bathroom and placed them there.

Opening the box with the appliances for the decoration of my room, I decided to get to work. An hour later, I was tired and done with the minor ones. I got my glow-in-the dark stickers and pasted them all around the room since they were already painted the color I wanted them.

I laid my sheets, added throw pillows, and spray painted my side lamps from white to my favorite color, pink! This might sound really childish, but I couldn't be bothered.

I spread out my rug on the floor, and then I heard a knock on my door. "Come in," I voiced, as a maid dressed in a black and white uniform came in with my boxes.

They are here. '"Yay," I mouthed, walking up to her to get them from her. "What's your name?" I asked. '"Josephine," she replied. "Nice to meet you, Josephine." She replied with a smile of her own before leaving. Maybe it's not going to be as bad as I thought.

I dragged all six boxes to my closet and opened all of them.Bibi, you won't stop until you finish," I said to myself as I divided it into nine parts.

One for my English clothes, my traditional clothes, which I'm 100 percent sure I will hardly wear. I wanted to give them out, but Mama said I should come with them, so I had no other option but to bring them along. One for my evening gowns, my pajamas, my crazy house wear, my shoes and makeup, and, of course, I can't forget my bags.

After finishing this, I can now take my bath since I have finished my work. I took a shower, applied some body cream, and then put on a pair of sweatpants and a matching hoodie.

I wore on a pair of black sneakers, picked up my phone and AirPods, and jogged down the stairs to the kitchen, where I met Mama and Aunty Shafa.

"Mama, I'll be going for a little stroll down the block. I'll be back soon." And Mama, being Mama, began with her lecture, "Don't get lost." She said, What am I, a baby? I left after deciding to get a milkshake.

I was walking, and a few people said hi, and I made a new friend. Actually, she is a neighbor; her name is Kisa. I love her name. I continued my jog after my little chat with Kisa. I sighted a café from afar, so we parted ways after promising to stay in touch.

I decided to cross the road, and halfway through, a car came from nowhere and hit me. I fell on my butt; thank God I didn't get injured that badly. I stood up, waiting to receive an apology from the person inside the car.

But no, apparently this guy is not that type; he instead started off by saying, "Hey ma'am, can you please look very well before you cross the road or go get a pair of glasses?" Like what? This guy is mannerless, I said in my head.

I lost it and started yelling, "Stop saying nonsense and go back to driving school, or you could get an "L" sign to put at the back of your car, and I can see you're very heartless because instead of apologizing, you are telling me rubbish about how to cross the street and whatnot. I am well enough to cross the road, but I am not sure if you are qualified enough to be given a car." I said to earning the attention of a few passersby's.

I dusted off my clothes, picked up my baby from the ground, hissed, eyed him, and then left. From the look on his face, he looked too shocked to even think of a comeback. Good one, I thought. I crossed the road and entered the café to get my milkshake.

After my milkshake, I strolled back home. When I entered the house, I saw a familiar car, but I couldn't remember where I had seen it before, so I just put that aside as I remembered what happened earlier today.

I cleared both thoughts and entered the house quietly because it looked like we had a guest. I removed my sneakers, put on some comfy shoes, and ran into the kitchen—quite childish, right?

Well, I don't want to see who the visitor is because I am really tired, but Mama caught me just as I tiptoed past the sitting room. "Bibi," she called, "it's your cousin, the one who was supposed to come pick us up from the airport earlier. Remember him?" She asked, and I muttered, "Yes, I do," and turned back.


Hi everyone hope you are enjoying my book. Sorry for the late update I was at school, but now i'm back so don't worry a lot of updates are coming your way.

I hope the book is getting interesting keep reading as you see how bibi's life changes don't worry she gonna be alright.
Thank you all pls don't forget to vote comment and share.


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