Chapter Thirteen: Walima

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Bibi's POV.
Abuja Nigeria.

Today is the Walimah. Mama and the girls decided to torture me by waking me up by 8:30 am, saying that if I woke up around nine, we would be late for today's ceremony. After the torture I went through with the skin therapist, Gugo Sala made me take some liquid things—some I know and some I don't.

I took my time in the bathroom, and when I came out, my dress had been kept on my bed with matching shoes and everything. My aunt was the one doing my makeup. She has her own makeup company.

I put on the dress with Ummi's help. She's a cousin of mine. Aunty Ramla finished my makeup and tied the scarf for me. Mammi walked in with a blanket and a pot of turaren wuta (an incense burner).

After sitting under the blanket for about 30 minutes, Mammi helped me out. I put on my shoes and jewelry and then took some pictures with the girls. Not some sorry, they took pictures. When I say pictures, I mean lots and lots of pictures. We finally went downstairs, where the cars were waiting.

At the event centre.

Aunty Laura Mammie's mom was the one who did the wa'azi (preaching), then some of Ayman's aunties prayed for me, and I was sprayed with a lot of perfumes and got lots of gifts, but the perfume was so much that I actually thought I was smelling bad.

After the event, we went back home, took our baths, had lunch, and decided to gist.
"Hmm, Ni wannan zaman gidan baze Yiwu bah." Hmm, this staying at home will not work, Yaya Nana said.

Leena smiled. The smile I knew all too well. "Leena, what are you planning?" I asked, "Nothing, fah, I was just wondering if maybe we could go out in the night and ask Aunty Laura to cover up for us." She said, This girl is too naughty.

All of them smiled, and they all turned to look at me. "Amarya, do you want to join?" They all asked. "Why would I say no when I know that after my marriage I have to ask for permission before I can go out, so of course, I will join in!" I squealed.

Later that evening, we convinced Aunty Laura to help us get out without anyone knowing. We were going to Cold Stone for some ice cream. After dinner, we used the back door to get out of the house, and thankfully no one saw us.

We ran towards Yaya Yasmin's car; we got in the car and drove off.

At Cold Stone, we followed the queue and ordered our ice cream, then we found a seat for ourselves to enjoy the ice cream while we giggled about everything and nothing.

Ayman's POV

After the Walima mummy made me go too, I called Bilkisu and told her I wanted to talk to her. I still haven't told her that I'm getting married, but I will tell her today. I told her to meet me at the cold stone in twenty minutes.

When I got there, she was already waiting for me, so I walked over to her and sat down opposite her. After finishing my ice cream, I unlocked my phone to answer some messages, and after a few minutes of silence, I sighed before I began.

"Bilkisu, the reason why I told you to meet me up here is to discuss something really important." "What is it, Ayman?" You know you can tell me anything," she mused. "I'm getting married, Bilkisu, and there's nothing I can do about it," I explained.

"What are you saying, Ayman? You can't get married; we belong together. Why did you change your mind? You don't like me anymore, right? or did I do something wrong, or you don't want me anymore. Please, Ayman, speak to me!" she cried

"No Bilkisu, I love you so much, I really do, and I want to marry you, but try to understand that this wedding is taking place against my will, and there is nothing I can do about  it."  Baba is the one who arranged it; I promise you this: I will get married to you six months after our marriage, Kinji (you hear).""

"Do you have a picture of her?" She asked, "Yes, I do." I removed my phone from the breast pocket of my kaftan and showed her the picture. "She is beautiful, Masha Allah!" she said.

"Not as beautiful as you, my angel," She just blushed and nodded, then stood up from her seat. "Where are you going?" I asked, "To the restroom." She replied. I'm sure she's angry, but I hope she understands that I was forced into this.

Bilkisu's POV.

I just happened to notice Ayman's sisters and some other people I don't know from afar and just after Ayman shows me the girls picture I notice her amongst the other girls.
After Ayman showed me the picture, I lied to him and told him that I was going to the restroom, but I wasn't.

What a coincidence I happen to meet the girl who took the love of my life away from me, but since I can't do anything to stop the marriage, I can at least ruin her night, can't I?

I walked over to her, pretended to miss a step, and emptied the remaining ice cream on her. "Oops, my bad," I said, pretending to look remorseful.

I adjusted my veil before I started to walk away. One of the girls then called me back. "Where do you think you're going?" she asked. "You poured ice cream on my sister, and you're leaving without an apology?" she asked.

I turned around and smiled. "Oh dear, she has all of you to help her clean up, so why bother?"
Before the next words could come out of my mouth, Bibi slapped me hard across the face.

A few people started gathering around us to watch the commotion. She thought I was going to slap her back, but instead, I burst into tears and ran back to where I was seated.

Ayman's POV.

I saw Bilkisu from a distance, so I dropped my phone on the table, but as she drew closer, she had tears and a hand imprint on her left cheek. I stood up and walked up to her. "Bilkisu, what's wrong?" I asked. "Why are you crying? Did something sting you?"

"No!" she cried. "Your soon-to-be wife slapped me because I told Fayha that I was here with you, so she slapped me because you are here with me and not her. She is jealous of us, Ayman, so she slapped me." She cried, clinging onto me.

"WHAT!" I shouted, my blood already boiling with anger. "Yes, Ayman! You know I won't lie to you," Bilkisu said.

"I'm coming. Just sit down here,"  dragging an empty seat for her, I need to talk some sense into that girl. How dare she slap my girlfriend? How dare she? I took giant strides towards Bibi's table, where I noticed she and some of her cousins were helping her clean up her dress. It looks like she has ice cream all over her.

"Bibi Why did you slap my girlfriend? and just because I didn't come here with you doesn't give you the right to slap her!" I shouted, "What do you want now, Ayman?" she asked with a raised brow.

"Are you seriously asking me this? and with whose permission did you come here?" I asked. That made her stand up and walk over to me.

"Hey, mister, the last time I checked, we aren't married yet, so I don't need your permission to go out, and secondly, I don't care if you take her anywhere she wants to go.
I don't want to be anywhere near you, talk more about going out with you.

"Thirdly, your so-called innocent girlfriend is a hypocrite. I didn't slap her because of you; I slapped her because she intentionally emptied her ice cream on my favourite dress and disrespected your sister."

I am shocked. Really shocked. Firstly, she shouted at me, and secondly, Bilkisu lied to me. I was so confused, not having anything to say, so I just turned around and left. Bibi just messed with the wrong person; Bilkisu might have lied to me, but she had still slapped her, and for that, I was going to teach her a lesson. Just 4 more days, and she will meet the real Ayman Faiz Jalaludeen.


I wasn't busy today so I decided to update hope u liked it.Hmm, Bibi has killed me. I am really shocked. I never knew bibi was this crazy.
So which side of bibi do you like? The quiet one or the bold and fierce one. Comment down below with your answer.
Don't forget to like, comment and share love you all. 1484 words😳
Love you all ❤️


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