Chapter Seven: Meeting my family PT Two

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Bibi's POV.
United Kingdom

The Next Day.

I left for school early today, and I am so happy that I am going to meet my siblings today. I met Iman in the hallway, waiting for me so we could go in at the same time. I got my books, and we entered for class.

After five hours of boring lectures, we were done for the day. I met Ibteey waiting for me outside. I met her and said goodbye to Iman, we got into the car she came with and zoomed off. We arrived at a very big mansion, and I had to resist the urge to let my mouth hang open.

We got out of the car and headed for the door. Ibteey rang the doorbell, and we stood there waiting for the door to be opened. A few seconds later, a maid in a white and black uniform opened the door for us.

"Good afternoon, ma'am. Welcome home," she greeted. We both replied her before Ibteey took me up to her room. It was just like my room back in Nigeria—pinkish. "Please make yourself at home; this is also your father's house." I just smiled at her in response. "Ibteey what time did you please tell the driver to come to pick me up?" I asked because I was already so anxious.

"Well, I told him two hours from now. I hope that's okay." She questioned. "Yeah,  it's fine." I squealed, clapping my hands like a baby high on candy. I'm sure Mama will think I went shopping with Iman, so no problem.

Back at home
Mama's POV.

Why is Bibi not home yet? She was supposed to come back like an hour ago, or maybe she is out with that new friend of her's shopping. Even if I try calling her, I'm sure she won't pick up. Oh Allah, if my assumption is not right, please protect my daughter.

4hrs later.

Bibi is still not home. I wonder where she has gone. Even back in Nigeria, she doesn't stay out this long after school, and if she is going, she always calls to inform me where she is going to, so I don't get worried.

I have tried calling her, but her phone is switched off. Oh, Allah, please protect my daughter from any harm that may come her way.

Bibi's POV.

OMG, I'm in so much trouble. Mama is going to kill me, and I'm sure she is dead worried. I overstayed my time, urgh, Kai. Oh Allah, please help me. If she finds out that this is where I came from, I will be in so much trouble.

I picked up my stuff and was ready to go, but they all gave me the "please stay longer" look.

"I wish I could, but no, I can't; it's getting dark," I said. Immediately, I turned around and saw my dad. As in my own father in flesh and blood.

Never ever in my eighteen years of life did I think I was ever going to meet this man standing before me.

My other sister, Ya Yasmin, stood up and held my hands. Then she said, "Baba, I'm sure you must be wondering who she is; well, she is not my friend."

"Then." he asked. "If she is not your friend, then who is she?" he asked. "Baba, this is your long-lost daughter, Bibi," she said, dropping the bomb. The shock on his face could be seen clearly.

He handed Ya Yasmin his bag, and before I could say a thing, I was engulfed in a very tight hug. Never in my life did I think I was ever going to be hugged by the man standing in front of me.

We stood there for a while before we sat down and had a brief chat as he asked about me and Mama's wellbeing. I told him I needed to go; it's getting late, but he wasn't having any of it.

"Why won't you stay longer, my daughter?" He asked. "I did not inform Mama before I came here, so I'm sure she must be worried." "Give me your mom's number; I'll call her and inform her," he argued.

After a lot of persuasion, I finally gave him the number, and he left the sitting room to talk to Mama.

Ya Allah, what have I gotten myself into?

Hmm so what do u think Ibteey's dad is going to tell Mama and how do u think Mama will react when she learns about her daughter's whereabouts.

comment down below and pls don't forget to vote and share pls stay home stay safe love u all .


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