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Ayman's  POV.
Abuja, Nigeria.
Eight months later.

It's been 8 months since Bibi and I got back together and fell in love, and she's pregnant with our first child. I am currently on my way to our family house; we now live in Nigeria. Also, Fayha and Fareed are getting married tomorrow, so I have been up and down getting some things for Bibi.

So far, so good. I've been able to handle her mood swings, alhamdulillah, but I must say she eats a lot. You need to see her now. She looks so chubby and beautiful at the same time. You must be wondering how she managed to pull it off, but she's my wife, you know.
Although she has been having some complications and her blood pressure has been going up and down, We've been able to manage it so far.

My phone starts vibrating, informing me of an incoming call. I picked up my phone, looked at the screen, and it was Bibi calling.

"Hey mama," I said immediately. I picked up the call.
"Don't mama me, where are you?" She yelled again with the shouting; she's currently 7 months and some weeks down. "I'm almost there. Keep some food for me. I'm hungry," I said into the phone.

"I am not keeping any food for you if you are not here in the next ten minutes," she said, cutting off the call before I could say anything.

This woman will not kill me, smiling like a goof. I took the next turn, and our family house came into view.


On getting inside the house, I met my baby girl, looking beautiful as always, munching on some samosas. I do hope she kept my food because I am hungry.

"Mamaa," I dragged, sitting beside her, but she didn't answer me.
"Haba babyn Ayman," I teased, pulling her soft cheeks. "Uhmm," she hummed, not looking at me.
"Mama, you know what you are doing is not fair," I pouted, but she still didn't answer me.

Oh, I knew this would make her answer me, so I said, "I got you ice cream."
"Seriously!" she squealed, turning to look at me.
"Well, I actually didn't, but if you want some, we could sneak out and go get some, I whispered, wiggling my brows.
"Muah, she said, blowing me a kiss, which I caught and placed on my chest dramatically.

Sighing I turned on the TV as I waited for her to come back. Thank God she wasn't inside the main house, because if she were, I would have silently sneaked up here and slept. The house is overfull, if that's even a word, but you get the idea.

"How do I look, Ayman?" "You look beautiful, mama. Let's go before the event starts." I answered by pecking her on the lips.


Coming back from Coldstone, Bibi and I took our baths and got ready. I had a blue kaftan on while my lovely wife put on a blue lace that was sewn in two, a wrapper skirt, and a blouse, spraying on some cologne. I helped Bibi with her shoes, and we walked out hand in hand to my car.

The event was taking place at some hall, so we are to go there before the guests arrive, and then Bibi will be taken away from me, and I won't be able to look at my wife all night.

On reaching the hall, I parked in an empty spot and helped Bibi out of the car. Entering the hall, I saw Mummy and some of our aunties, so I took Bibi there and left after she promised to call me if she needed anything.

"Mazaaaa!" my friends cheered as I sat down on the chair close to Haidar. "Aha baba ya ne," I said, shaking Haidar. "Wlhi lau, alhamdulillah," he smiled. "I see you're already missing Leena," I teased, which earned me a smack on the shoulder. "Tell me you're not missing Bibi," he teased back.

"You didn't ask, and of course I am missing my wife; why wouldn't I?" I hissed, stretching my hand to shake Muhsin. "Bro, have some shame," Adnan laughed, and we all followed suit.

And the day ended as soon as it began helping Bibi get back to the car. I turned on the engine, and we left the hall heading for our real home! It's "OUR HOME" now.

"Ayman," she called in a sleepy voice, "my stomach hurts." She said, "Should we go to the hospital? I said, placing my right hand on her protruding belly, "No, it's fine. I'm sure it's nothing. Let's just go home. I'm so tired." She yawned, sitting up properly.

We got home in less than fifteen minutes, and I carried a now-sleeping Bibi into the house.


Bibi's POV

I woke up due to the pain that kept shooting through me. It was like my lower abdomen was on fire. It can't be the baby, who still has a few months to go. "Ayman," I cried.
"yes Mami! What are you doing awake? Is it time for salah?" he mumbled. "No! Wake up. I think something is wrong with the baby. I said sitting up properly.
And almost immediately, the pain increased.

"Wake up, Ayman, I think some are wrong!" I screamed. He jolted up from the bed and ran inside the closet, guessing where to get my things. If I wasn't in pain, I could have laughed. He came out a few seconds later and ran towards me.

"Can you walk, or should I pick you up? Don't you have, like, some months to go? What time is it?" He questioned me, looking at me confused. He still looked sleepy.
"Just please take me to the hospital," I said, holding onto his pants like my life depended on them.

"Oh, I'm sorry," he said, picking me up in no time. We were in the hospital, and I was taken in. The doctor said there was a problem and that they were going to have to perform a C-section to get the baby out as my blood pressure was really high and that they didn't want to take chances.

The nurses were very nice; they set me up, and I was ready in no time.
Sighing I closed my eyes and prayed before I lost consciousness.

Ayman's POV.

Entering the dimly lit room, I found a sleeping Bibi and two nurses asking, "Where is the baby?" I asked, "You mean babies, sir? Congratulationss! You wife gave birth to twins, a girl and a boy," but how? I thought. All through the anti-natal, we never knew there was another one. But the double the baby, the double the blessings, thank God, nothing happened along the way. Alhamdulillah, I muttered, walking over to the crib, and behold, two cute-looking babies were sleeping peacefully. They looked alike from the looks of it; they are identical.

Picking the girl up, I said the shahada in her right and left ear and did the same thing for the baby boy, and finally, their names were Amina, aka Leena, and Ali, aka Asim.

Turning around, I saw Bibi looking at me and asking, "What did you name them?" She asked, "Amina Leena and Ali Asim." I said, "Awwn, it's a girl and a boy." She squealed, "Help me up; I want to see them." Helping her up, we walked towards the baby's cribs.

She picked up Leena while I picked Asim up using my right hand. I pulled her closer to me and looked at her. "Thank you, Mi Reina; thank you for this wonderful gift; and thank you for being a part of my life. Words cannot express what I feel inside right now. I smiled, wiping away the tears that threatened to fall. "Are you crying?" she teased. "For you, my love, I would cry a river." I smiled and leaned in to kiss her forehead.


Finally the end 💃💃💃💃💃
I'm gonna miss this book scratch that I'm already missing it. I love you all and thank you so much for reading and for your support may Allah continue to guide and protect us all. Ameen.

And if u haven't read my other books then head over to my page and add em up to ur private and public library.


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