Chapter Twenty Two: The Unexpected Visit.

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Bibi's POV.
Abuja, Nigeria.

Waking up around seven thirty in the morning, I tried opening the door so I could make Ayman's breakfast, but the door wouldn't budge. I tried again and again, but it didn't open, so I decided to knock.

"Ayman, please, are you there?" I yelled, "What do you want now?" He groaned, "Well, I have been trying to open the door for some time now, but it's refusing to open.".

"Oh, I locked you up last night; that's what you get for reporting me," he stated.
Before I could think of a reply, I heard the click of his shoes getting lighter, until I couldn't hear them again, he left me here locked up.
How mean. And I am really hungry.

Wait, I could still go out of my room. I ran over to my closet and brought out a lot of bedsheets and tied them together, making a huge knot at each end. Pacing over to the balcony, I tied it to the long pillar, making sure it was strong enough. I peered over to look at the distance from my room; the ground wasn't that far though.

I closed my eyes, held onto the rope, and climbed down gently, letting go of each knot carefully. And with a thud, I landed on the ground.

Well, that was easier than I thought. Using the back door, I got into the kitchen and made myself some apple sandwiches with almond butter and granola. After breakfast, I went back up and looked for the keys to my room in Aymans, and in the process, I arranged them, and for an arrogant guy, I have to say, "He's kinda neat.".

Taking my bath, I put on a white shirt and a pair of blue jeans to finish the look. Picking up a hijab, I left the room to go clean and make lunch.

Later that same day.

I was done with lunch when I heard the sound of Ayman's car driving into the compound.
Ouu, this is going to be fun. He also has his keys, so when he comes in, I'm going to be surprised.

Ayman's POV.

Using my key to unlock the door, I walked into the house, and as I was passing by the kitchen, I heard noises. Do we have a rat?

I thought I locked her up in her room. How is she here, or am I just imagining things? Taking a few more steps over to where she stood, I used my finger to touch her.
"Oh my Allah, you scared me, Ayman. When did you come back?" She blabbed, "How did you come out of your room?" I asked

"Oh, that," she mumbled, walking over to the pantry to get something.
"Simple, I used the balcony to get...
" what"

I shouted, interrupting her, "You used the balcony?" "and" she shrugged, looking at me as if it were normal.

"Don't dare try that again. Do you hear me?" I said, grabbing her by the hand and looking at her squarely in the eyes. She looked scared, just what I wanted.
"Do I make myself clear or do I have to repeat what I said?" "No," she squeaked, adjusting her now-falling hijab, and with that, I left the kitchen.

Bibi's POV.
Some days later.

Today being a Friday Ayman left for the mosque early today, and from there he was going to go see his parents, so I was going to be alone for some time deciding on something to keep me busy. I brought out my laptop to watch some cooking videos.

Three videos later, the doorbell rang. Running up to get my veil, I peered through the hole and beheld Bilkisu standing outside, chewing on a piece of gum like some prostitute. Opening the door, I walked away, leaving the door for her.

"Where is Ayman?" she asked, removing her veil. "He's inside my nose," I answered, getting annoyed already.

"Just answer the question," she commanded, eyeing me. "Hey Missy, you can't just come to my house and start commanding me, and you're looking for Ayman, right? Call him because I am not your Butler or maid; you can boss around anyhow."

She hissed, as if I cared, carrying my phone and laptop. I left the sitting room for her.

"Baby!" she called, entering Ayman's room. "Baby, are you here?" I'm starting to wonder whether she's blind, because I'm sure she has searched the whole house.

Getting down from my bed, I skipped down the stairs, ignoring the siren that kept shouting "baby," like she was some lost chicken looking for a place to camp for the night.

Entering the kitchen, I opened the fridge and got a bottle of water for myself. Closing the fridge, I met Miss Billy Goat standing by the door.

"Excuse me," I uttered calmly. "You are not leaving this kitchen until I am done with you."
"Iyye," I said, dropping my water on the counter beside me.

"So what is it that you want to say?" I asked with my hands akimbo. "You know, Bibi, I don't care what Ayman thinks of you or what you think of yourself, but I am just warning you to stay away from Ayman; he is not yours and he never will be," she said.

"I don't even want him, okay? Stop putting things inside your head," I replied, picking up my water bottle. "Excuse me," I said, removing her hand from the door. "Wawiya kawai," I muttered, hoping she heard me.

Bilkisu's POV.

How dare she call me "Wawiya"? I will show her what Bilkisu can do. Looking around the kitchen, I spotted a knife lying carelessly on the counter, picking it up. I exited the kitchen.
Today I will show this girl what I'm made of.

So what do u think bilkisu is going to do with the knife she carried comment down below with what you think is going to happen.
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Love you all.


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