Chapter Seventeen: Daurin aure.

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Bibi's POV.
Abuja, Nigeria.

Aunty Shafa came into our room and turned on the lights, which earned her a series of groans and grunts from the tired girls, but that didn't stop her.

She went further and opened the curtains. Ha! Whoever told them not to go to sleep early serves them right. I stood up and walked towards the toilet, quietly brushing my teeth and washing my face. I opened the door, and the beautician was already here.

She sat down and started her work. Finally, after my last session with her, after about two hours of torture, it was finally done. I padded over to the bathroom again to take my bath, and by the time I was out, all the girls were getting ready.

My gown was already laid on the bed with matching heels and a head tie. After rubbing something Aunty Shafa gave me, Yaya Aisha gave me a wrapper to tie.

After tying it, I sat on the small tool as instructed, and I was covered with a huge blanket. I was already getting tired of the smoke when I started coughing. Leena quickly helped me out, and I started getting dressed.

After getting dressed in my sea green gown, which was decorated with pearls and beads all over, it looked very beautiful. I asked for light makeup, and she did a wonderful job. I love it. We sat down and started chatting.

An hour later.

Hauwa, a cousin of mine, came running into the room like she had been possessed. "The knot has been tied, and the groom is on his way," she announced, squealing. At that moment, everything stopped moving; I felt empty. I just wanted to be alone till it was time for the last event.

Thank goodness the budan kai was cancelled because I'm not really sure I will be able to attend it. I stood up quietly and picked up my hijab from my closet to pray 2 raka'at, salah. After prolonging my sujud, I said my salam.

I looked over to Yaya Ibteey and said, "Please, can I talk to you in private?" "Sure," she said, helping me up. We walked out of the room to Baba's sitting room. Immediately after she closed the door, I fell to the floor with a loud thud. "Bibi!" she gasped. "What is this? Stand up; you will ruin your dress!" she scolded.

"What's the point, Yaya Ibteey, when the person I'm wearing the dress for doesn't even like me? Yaya Ibteey, I can't do this anymore. I'm tired of acting strong. I have been strong for far too long!" I said, hugging her. "I can't be strong anymore," I said, my voice all hoarse from crying.

"Bibi, don't say that! You are my strong little sister, and I know you will overcome this test. I know you will!" She encouraged. "But how do you know I will?" I asked, using the hem of my gown to wipe off my tears.

"You will, Bibi. This is a test from Allah, and remember, Allah puts us through tests to make us stronger, more determined, and more courageous, kinji? Wipe your tears and stop crying. We don't want Ayman to come see you like this now, do we?" She teased me by raising her brows at me.

I laughed while standing up from the floor. We walked out, hand in hand, back to my room upstairs. Upon sitting on my bed, a notification came in from an unknown number.

It said, "The knot has been tied, girl; you are no longer your father's daughter but also my wife." I knew who the message was from, so I saved his name as mstwww.

After taking a few pictures with the girls, I was asked to change into a red mermaid gown. It fits perfectly and is tight in all the right places.

The makeup artist redid my makeup; Fayha tied the head tie for me and helped me with the veil. It dripped behind me, and with the help of the girls, we walked downstairs. I could hear voices from the hallway as we got closer, and immediately we walked in, all faces turned towards us.

After taking pictures with the family, his friends, my friends, his friends, and my friends, my parents, his parents, me, and him, they finally left us to get ready for the dinner.

So they are finally married huh 💔😐 sha Allah ya basu zaman lafiya 😂😂🤦‍♀️ bye bye and see you next week Friday.

Love you all and please don't forget to vote comment and share.


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