Chapter Nine: Taking advice and going home.

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Ayman's POV.
United Kingdom

For a month now, no one knows about Bibi's whereabouts. Her mom has turned into something else, so I have decided to look for her myself. Her mom suffered a heart seizure because of her disappearance.

My friend, who is also my private investigator, told me that she still goes to her father's house once in a while. I arrived at her apartment and waited for her to come back from her evening jog before I announced my presence.

I walked up the door and rang the doorbell, waiting for her to show up.

Bibi's POV.

No one has ever rung my doorbell since I moved into this neighbourhood, so who could it be? And behold, it is Ayman.

This guy is so annoying. Even if someone were to find me, why him? why?  I had two questions that I wanted to ask him:
1. Why is he here?
2. How did he find me?

I totally zoned out as always, but he had to interrupt my trance by shouting "earth to Bibi," he semi-yelled. Urgh, I hate the nerves of this guy.

"Aren't you going to let me in and listen to what I have to say?" He asked with a raised brow. I'm sure you have questions you want to ask, which I will answer later if there is time," he stated.

I wanted to shut the door on his face, but curiosity got the best of me, so I let him in and took him to the sitting room. I left him there and entered the kitchen to calm myself and get him some refreshments. I put them all on the tray and walked back to the sitting room.

I took my seat on the couch beside him and picked up my cup of chai, then turned my head in his direction, waiting for an explanation.

After a few minutes of silence, he cleared his throat. I guess he is finally ready to talk. I nodded my head and probed him, "Yes, go on."

"Bibi I came here for the sake of your mother, not because I like seeing you or anything; believe me, this is the last place I want to be, but your mother is in the hospital, and it is all because of you."

Wait, what? My mom is in the hospital because of me. I just left for a month, and this happened. Oh, this is so my fault. Immediately, I opened my mouth to ask why, he raced me to it.

"A heart seizure"

Oh Allah. All because of me. I just wanted Mama to know that I am a grownup and they I can do things and make some decisions on my own. Not to leave and return to the death of my mom.

"She has been looking for you, and as a result of that, she's been under a lot of pressure. Come on Bibi, I'm sure she has realised what she did was wrong. You have punished her enough." He continued; he didn't have to remind me of those memories.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and closed my eyes so the tears wouldn't fall. I promised myself that I would not cry again. Never, so I told him to continue.

"She is really sorry and is willing to change if you come home, and Aunty Shafa misses you. Just think about it and don't make a decision you'll regret. Thank you for having me."

And with that, he stood up and left, not before knocking me on the head. I have made my decision. I'm going back home tomorrow. I have a lot of packing to do.

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