Chapter Ten: Flashback

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Bibi's POV.
11 year old Bibi.

Mama woke me up as early as 8:30 to sweep the whole house. I was still sore from yesterday's beating. My eyes feel like a mountain was dropped over them. I quickly took my bath and ran downstairs to get a broom from the store to start my chores.

3hrs later

I was finally done with the cleaning when Mama began shouting my name, "Bibi!, come up here immediately. What did I tell you to do?" she asked. I was too scared to answer.

I eventually answered and said, "Mama, you said I should sweep, mop, dust, arrange the ornaments, clean, then tidy the sitting room and your room." My head was down the whole time.

"Have you done all that?" she shouted. "Yes, Mama, I have," I replied, but you didn't wash the toilets, did you? Kneel down and raise your hands!" She shouted. "Mama, please, I'm sorry." I started to plead, but she cut me off.

"Don't, I'm sorry, me. Do as I say, or there will be more consequences." I knelt down and raised my hands as she had instructed, waiting for the worst.

She stood up, locked the door, and hid the keys. She picked up her cain.
I begged and begged. I cried until I could not cry again. This isn't my mom. I lost my mom three years ago. That was my real mom, the one who loved me.

Who would wake me up for school, brush my teeth, make me breakfast, take me to school, and take me to the park for recreation but now she is a wicked woman who I no more consider my mom.

The last thing I felt was the cain land on my body before she opened the door and let Aunty Shafa in. She ran towards me and immediately carried me in her arms. I knew I was safe, so I let the darkness consume me.

10hrs later

I opened my eyes and closed the most immediately trying to adjust to the light above my head. I sat down and opened my eyes. I had a headache and it was really bad.

I slowly came down from the bed, entered the toilet and washed my face, i then decided to go downstairs looking back and forth to see if anyone was following me. I finally reached the kitchen i was so hungry but my eyes met with something shiny.

It was so sharp and new. It was a knife. I picked it up, giving it a closer look. In Islamiyah, my teacher said that killing yourself wouldn't solve the problem but only make it worse, not only for yourself but for your family members too. I really want to go to Jannah, but I can't withstand this pain anymore.

So I slit my wrist with the knife. I dropped the knife, and before I could shout, I blacked out again.

I woke up in the hospital, and a crying Mama was beside me. I had a bandage on my right hand. I didn't die; I'm still alive, but why is Mama here? I heard Mama's voice saying, "Shafa, call the doctor; she's awake!"

Immediately, Aunty Shafa left; she held my hands. I removed them. Why is she being nice all of a sudden?

"Bibi I know you're mad at me, but I'm still your mother. Why did you try to kill yourself? Where did you learn how to use a knife and even use it to try and kill yourself? Why bibi? Why? You are the only one I have left. Your brother left me, and now you want to leave me too."

" I had a brother mama but you never told me, why, why Mama? you make me do all the chores and when we have visitors you act as if you are the sweetest mother and you expect me to forgive you. I might not be old enough to understand some things but at least you should have told me how my brother died I don't blame baba for leaving you I see the reason now. you were never a good woman."

I never wanted to say that because I also felt bad. Before I could say sorry, I was slapped. I thought it was Mama but no it was aunty Shafa. At that point, I knew I was wrong. I came down from the hospital bed and walked towards mama's pale face.

I hugged her. I thought she wasn't going to hug me back, but she did. "I'm really sorry, Bibi. I promise to be a good mother from now on, in sha Allah. No more beatings or slaps." I didn't know if to believe her or not, but I did.

I asked to be sure. "You won't beat or slap me ever again, no matter what I do." I asked. she nodded.

I hugged her back, but this time sincerely. After the little show, the doctor asked me some questions, then Aunty Shafa followed him to go get some medication for me while Mama left to get the discharge papers signed, and that is how my life changed.

Now you know why I said it wasn't the first time Mama slapped me.


Hello hello hello
I'm back. So how was this chapter? poor Bibi, Do let me know if you did in the comment section. Don't forget to vote comment and share stay home stay safe.

The next chapter is gonna send you flying out of your houses 😈😱 another update tomorrow.

Love ❤️ you all.

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