Chapter Six: Meeting my family PT One

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Bibi's POV.
United Kingdom

I changed into an evening gown after taking my bath, then went down for dinner. After dinner, I prayed Isha and went back upstairs.

I picked up my phone and called Leena and Afnan; we later switched to video call so they could help me choose an outfit for my first day at school. Leena says, and I quote, "I don't want my best friend looking like some bug or an outsider on her first day.".

We finally decided on a pair of blue denim jeans, a maroon turtleneck top, and a blue veil. We then picked a black jacket because it is kind of cold and a black backpack, which I dyed myself. Then a pair of maroon sneakers.

After that, Afnan told us about the prank she and Ya Ameera pulled off on Ya Abdul. By the way, she is Afnan's elder sister. The prank was meant for Ya Abdul, but I guess Ya Anwar saved his brother.

Anyways, we said our goodbyes, and I plugged in my phone and AirPods to charge. I am too lazy to take a bath again tonight so I put on my pyjamas and dove into the comfort of my sheets. Before I could think about how tomorrow would go, I went to sleep.

Next morning

I woke up around six thirty am and performed ablution, prayed, and then took my bath, but this time it was a bubble bath. Stepping out of the shower, I dried my body up and rubbed on some lotion. Afterwards, I put on my clothes, sprayed my perfume, picked up my backpack, and put in all my necessities: my phone, AirPods, and watch from its charging point.

I jogged downstairs and entered the kitchen. I met the maid, whom I later learned to be Martha. "Have you perhaps seen my mom?" I asked, "Yes, they are in the dining hall." She replied, nodding, and I scurried off to the dining room for breakfast.

I greeted both Mama and Aunty Shafa with a quick hug for each of them and dove in immediately. I had breakfast, said my goodbyes to everyone, and left for school.


We arrived at school fifteen minutes later, and deciding on the time I would be finishing my classes, I told the driver to pick me up around one thirty because my timetable was full. After getting lost, I finally found my way to class.

After lectures, Iman and I headed for the cafeteria, and she excused herself, saying she was going to call the girl that she said bears the same surname as me.

She came in with her a few minutes later, and the girl looked like my sister, Ibteey, from afar. One of my sisters, as you already know, my mom has showed me their pictures... "Earth to Bibi," Iman said. I just smiled before asking, "When did you come back?"

"When you were thinking of your boyfriend, how would you know when I came back?" she teased. "No, I don't have a boyfriend." I retorted
"Yes, you do."
"No, I do not."
"Yes, you do."
"No, I don't."
"No, you don't."

"Yes, I do; urgh, you used my word against me; not fair, you know," I whined, turning around to look at the girl Iman brought with her. She was just smiling goofily at both Iman and I's banter. "Hi, I'm Bibi. Nice to meet you," I said in an attempt to start up a conversation, and as if on que, her smile grew wider.

It's kind of weird and a bit awkward: "My name is Ibteey." Wait, you see, I hadn't told you this earlier, but I thought Iman was joking, but I can see she isn't. "So is Bibi your real name?" she asked. "No, my real name is Nadia, but I am not really called that."

I noticed how her facial expression changed from confusion to sadness, then to happiness. She changed her sitting position, sat close to me, and said.

"So your name is Nadia, aka Bibi?" Duh, I just told you that, but I just replied with a nod instead. She started crying. Why? I don't know.

I became confused, but before I could do anything, she hugged me and said, "I finally got to meet my baby sister." She cooed.

"Wallahi, I missed you even though I have never seen you." Then it clicked: She really is my sister; the sister I always dreamed of having is sitting right here.

I wasted no time hugging her back. I wanted to cry too, but if I did, then we would both look like freaks. After pulling away from the hug, I wiped her tears. "Please stop crying," I pleaded.

We both turned to look at Iman. She also had tears in her eyes. ''Do you maybe want to come over and meet everyone at home?" She questions I would love to go, but knowing Mama wouldn't like it, I said, "No!"

She kept on saying begging me, and I couldn't resist, so I said yes. I know what it meant, but I really want to meet them, and I will make sure Mama doesn't find out. I said bye to all of them and then left.

Hello hello hello
How was this chapter hope you enjoyed it? and you finally get to meet Ibteey she is sweet don't worry, read and find out how Bibi goes to her father's house.

till we meet next time, in the next chapter, and till then stay home stay safe and Ramadan Kareem I love you all, and please don't forget to vote share, and comment if you think bibi is doing the right thing by going tnx.


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