Chapter Eleven: Wedding bells

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Bibi's POV.
The Next Day.
United Kingdom.

I woke up the next morning and took my bags downstairs. I put them in the trunk of my car, and thank Allah, I don't have classes today. With one last look at my apartment, I drove off.

When I got home, I met the maids cleaning the house. I asked where Mama and Aunty Shafa had gone, and she told me they had gone out to get some stuff. I just nodded my head and moved upstairs.

I entered my room, and it was squeaky clean. Oh, thank goodness. I went in and took my bath. I missed my bathroom like mad. I applied some lotion, put on my pyjamas, and immediately my head hit the pillow. I was off.

2hrs later

I was woken up by a knock on my door. I stood up and opened the door. Immediately I opened it, and Aunty Shafa hugged me. Oh, how much I missed this woman. I hugged her back, and after two minutes of silence, she released me and scolded, "Don't you ever do this again!" I just smiled and nodded.

She hugged me again. "Get ready; we are going for your uncle's anniversary dinner this evening, and your mom is waiting for you. Go say hi, "

"Okay," I replied.

I walked slowly over to Mama's room after having a mental debate with my brain. I knocked on the door and said my salam. I entered the room when I heard a faint reply, and I sat on her bed as I waited for her.

A few seconds later, she paddled into the room and sat beside me. The first I could think of was an apology. I hugged her and said, "I'm sorry, Mama. I didn't mean to hurt you. I only left so you would understand how I felt and that I'm no longer a child and I can take care of myself. I'm really sorry."

3 minutes

"I'm so sorry just please say something," I said again. Finally, she replied, "It's okay, Bibi. I know how you feel, and I'm really sorry for slapping you. I was really angry because you went against my rules."

I smiled and hugged her again. She hugged me back this time around. She stood up and told me to follow her into her closet. She brought out a trolley and told me to open it because she had something for me.

I opened the box, and it was a beautiful maroon long-sleeve dress. I immediately fell in love with it. I picked it up and placed it on me.

I walked towards her mirror to look at myself. "You look amazing!" she said. I smiled, dropped it, and gave her another hug.

"Enough of the hugs for now. Pick up that dress and go get ready. I don't want us to be late," Mama said. I picked up the dress and ran off.

Thirty minutes later, I was done with my makeup and everything. Oh, I almost forgot my perfume. I moved towards my dresser to look for a light perfume. My eye caught sight of the perfume Baba gave me.

Vera Wang is one of my numerous favourites. Yeah, yeah, I know, I know. Don't ask. I will answer it. I have a lot of favourite perfumes; don't blame me; I'm a lady, you know.

At The Event.

We arrived just in time for the event. We were ushered in by the guards. Immediately after I stepped in, I saw Fayha from a distance. I told Mama I would be with the girls and left.

Ayman's POV

I saw Bibi from a distance. I had to say she looked beautiful, and I'm glad she took my advice and came back home. A few minutes into the programme, she stood up and left with her phone. I'm guessing a phone call came in.

Just then, Abba went upstage and collected the mic from the MC.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I hope you are all comfortable." A few yeses went around the hall. "I'm here to make a very special announcement. My brother-in-law and I have been family for some time, and now our family will have an even stronger bond. Although we have been through some rough times it's time we put all that behind us and look towards a brighter future where ourselves and the kids form a bond stronger than before."

Uncle Ahmed came up to the stage and finished Abbas speech. "We are getting our children married!" he said. Everyone applauded, and when it went quiet, I turned around to look at my brother. "I'm sure you're the one getting married." The way you like playing girls, I'm sure that's why Abba is getting you married."

Abba laughed. The laughter I knew all too well. "No, Ayman, your brother is not the one getting married; you are," he said, overhearing the conversation.
I'm what! This is not possible. "Abba, what about Bilkisu?" I asked quietly.

"You know I don't like Bilkisu!" He said it with disgust. "But Abba, we talked about this," I dragged. "No, but we have a reason for doing this; you don't just question your parents," he said. "To whom am I getting married then?" I asked.

"Nadia," Uncle Ahmed said. They have just succeeded in digging me an early grave. Oh, my Allah. She is still not back from the phone call. Someone should call her. I can't bear this problem alone. She should come join me.

"Bibi?" Uncle Ahmed called, and everyone turned towards the table where she sat earlier, but she wasn't there. '' Fayha, go get Bibi, please." Abba said

She stood up and left. Oh Allah, I still can't believe I'm supposed to get married to Nadia. This is not happening. What was I going to do with Bilkisu? I promised her that I would change Abbas mind.

Bibi's POV.

I was just ending the phone call with Leena when Fayha strolled into the garden. "Baba is looking for you," she said once she got closer.

When we entered the hall, everyone turned their heads towards me. I felt uncomfortable. I really didn't like this kind of attention so I asked Fayha again, "Why is Baba calling me, and why is everyone staring?"

Baba just motioned for me to climb up to stand with him. I walked towards Baba, still looking downward. I couldn't look up because I didn't know what was happening.

The next thing Baba said shocked me: "Ladies and gentlemen, meet my long-lost daughter Nadia, who will be getting married."

"What?" I shouted confused no longer caring about the stares I was getting earlier. I asked Baba, "Get married? I'm just in my first year, and I can't get married to him, whoever he is." I cried.

I looked over at Mom, but she looked away. "Mama!" I called, but she didn't answer. I started feeling dizzy, but I can't faint now. I have to clear this up: "But baba." I couldn't complete my sentence when he yelled, cutting me off.

"You do as I say, or you see the other side of me, which I'm sure you wouldn't want to."

The dizziness came back in full force this time. I didn't fight it; instead, I let it consume me. The last thing I heard was Baba shouting, "Ayman, catch her; she is going to fall!!" and that was it.

We meet again. Hehe, cliffhanger sorry koh😂 Don't worry I will update soon in sha Allah. Hope your all fine.
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