Chapter Twelve: Nigeria.

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Ayman's POV.
United Kingdom.

Well, I guess it hit her harder than it hit me. I took her into my arms as instructed and rushed out of the hall, "Bibi!" I called. "Speak to me. Wake up!" I urged her, but she didn't move.

I dropped her in the back of the car and rushed for the front seat. Fayha came in, and we drove home. I told Fayha to call our family doctor because the hospital is really far from here.

By the time we got home, Doctor Martin was already waiting. We walked in with Aunty Ameena and Baba behind us. I took her up to fayha's room and gently dropped her on the bed. I stood up from the bed so Doctor Martin could examine her.

After everything, he prescribed some drugs for her, and using the drugs as an excuse, I left the house. I just want to be anywhere but here when she wakes up, so I volunteered to go get her medication from the nearby pharmacy.

Bibi's POV.

I had woken up to the voices of people and a dimly lit room. I tried opening my eyes, but the light above me wasn't helping matters. It took a while for my eyes to adjust to the light.

I tried sitting up, but the pain in my head made me lay back down so the headache could subside. Just then I heard Mama's voice. "She is awake," she voiced from a distance.

That's when everything came rushing back to me and hit me hard in the head. The dinner, Baba shouting at me and me fainting.

Mama rushed to my side, holding my hand. "My child, how are you feeling? Are you alright? Do you still feel dizzy? Do you feel sore?" She asked all in one breath.

"Mama, I'm fine," I said, my voice coming out very hoarse. "No, you are not fine. I can talk to them and tell them to cancel the wedding if you don't want it."

"No, the wedding will not be canceled. It must go on. We leave for Nigeria in the next 5 days, when Bibi is feeling much better. Do you understand?" Baba said.

Wow! I now know why Mama didn't want me to meet my dad and why she left him. He comes into my life, and everything starts crumbling down.

From my mom breaking her promise to me leaving home, to hearing the news of mom being in the hospital because of me, and finally, he wants to get me married to Ayman Dammit, I hate my life.

I just nodded and told them that I wanted to go home. Fayha escorted me to the car, and we left.

Once we got home, I took my bath and went straight to bed. I adjusted my pillow and closed my eyes. I welcomed the sleep this time; I welcomed it wholeheartedly.

Abuja Nigeria.
5 days later.

I never knew I would hate coming back home, but I hate the whole country Nigeria. What can I do now? The arrangements have already been made. The wedding is just a week away.

I always dreamt of marrying someone I love and having a big wedding, but you know the saying, "We plan and Allah plans."
We arrived two hours ago, and the house is already filled with people. I don't even know all the names of family members I've been seeing.

What will happen on the wedding day? The wedding invitation was brought earlier, and all in all, we have five events that were arranged without our consent. We have the:

Walima, which is taking place on May 10 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm

Sa Lalle is taking place on the 11th of May. Time: 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.

The bridal shower, which I didn't want but is still taking place on May 12,. Time: 9:00 p.m. to when we get tired. Leena's words, not mine.

-Mother's day. That's for the mothers. Thank Allah, I get a day off. That is taking place on May 13. Time 8:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.

And finally, the daurin aure, which is taking place on May 14,. Venue: Al'noor mosque, Abuja. Time: 1 p.m., after Zuhr prayer. The dinner and kai amarya will take place in the evening.

That's all. The skin torture will start tomorrow. We could have started today, but the woman is really tired, and I am really happy she is, because why not?

Just as I move back up to my room mama comes in to talk to me. "Can we talk?" She asks and i nod moving on the bed to give her some space. "I know I always told you that when the time was right I would tell you why we had to move and now that a lot of things are happening I think you deserve to know why we moved." She begins.

Finally!, I chant in my head.

"When you were still in secondary school I got a call from your uncle concerning your father. He said that he had called him and wanted to discuss you going over to live with him permanently. But I couldn't see myself living without you so I told my brother to make up something to stall him to give me sometime to think, which he did."

"He managed to convince your father to wait until you were eighteen when you'd be able to make your own decisions. So immediately you turned eighteen I decided it was time for us to move to get you to adapt to another environment so that you'd reject your father's offer to come live with him."

"Little did I know that they had also relocated to the UK and that i didn't solve the problem instead I made it worse by bringing you here. I just wanted you to be close to some of your relations down there so you'd get attached to being with everyone so that you wouldn't want to leave. Unknown to me, your Uncle and your Father had discussed something else and your Uncle swayed your Father's decision after you left the house to instead get you and Ayman married."

"Ayman also didn't know about any of this until it was announced few days back. I am so sorry Bibi, instead of giving you a better life I made matters worse." She cried wiping her cheeks.

"Mama don't say that. It's fine everything will settle insha'Allah and you've tried your best and to me you are the best mother any child could ever ask for. Thank you for all you've done for me." I say giving her a hug.

We continue to talk about random things before she finally decides to leave after Aunty Shafa calls her so I decide to take a nap to rest my brain and process all the things Mama just told me.

Salam, Salam, salam, the wedding is here
Who is also sad? Cuz I am 😪
comment down below if you are happy or sad
Thank you all for reading and see you soon
Love u all❤️


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