I: Jeon Jungkook

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"Taehyung, come here for a minute." 

Taehyung obeyed his mother as always, reaching out to hold her hand as she guided him into their cozy living room. His dad was sitting in his favorite spot while his older brother and baby sister sat on one couch. The young couple next door sat on the other couch. 

The man smiled at him, eyes crinkling at the corners, while the woman next to him waved and kept a hand on her rather large stomach.

The four-year-old rather liked the Jeons; Mr Jeon would always watch Taehyung after preschool let out for the day. Mrs Jeon rested a lot now, but she still helped him with his spelling words and math flashcards until his own parents came home from work. 

Mrs Jeon beckoned Taehyung over to her, a big smile on her face as she held both of his little hands in hers. "We found out that we're having a baby boy, Taehyungie! Isn't that great?" 

To Taehyung, it was great; it was fantastic that the Jeons were welcoming a baby boy of their own into the world. The kid didn't have any real friends, but maybe the Jeons' son would become his best friend. 

"Yay! When will he be here?" he asked, bouncing on his toes in excitement. 

Mr Jeon leaned over and ruffled Taehyung's curly hair. "Next month. I expect you to look after him, little buddy. He's gonna look up to you." 

Someone was going to look up to me. Taehyung liked that idea very much. Someone was going to learn from him and want to be a good boy like he was. 

All Taehyung wanted was to be the big brother, someone to look up to. He was used to being the baby brother; Taeil was ten years older than him, but he never played with Taehyung or acted like he existed. Taehyung's sister was only two and preferred to either play by herself or with Taeil. 

Being the middle child was difficult. 

"What's his name?" Taehyung asked, feeling the baby kick his hands when Mrs Jeon placed them on her stomach. 

She hummed. "We were thinking Jungkook." 

Taehyung nodded, eyes focused on her large stomach. "Can he hear me?" 

"Of course he can. I sing to him." 

With that, Taehyung smiled. "Hi, Jungkook. I'm Taehyung. I hope you become my bestest friend ever. I already love you." 


About two weeks after Jungkook was born, the Kims went to the Jeons' house to celebrate. 

Taeil held his baby sister as they walked into the house, Taehyung trailing behind like always. Mrs Kim held a crock pot full of stew while Mr Kim held two pans of his famous apple pie. 

Mrs Jeon answered the door, looking as tired as ever, but she smiled and let everyone in. She directed the adults to the kitchen to set everything down, while the kids were told to go meet the baby in the living room. 

Mr Jeon was watching some crime show, cradling the two-week-old infant in the crook of his arm. When he noticed the kids, he smiled and waved them over. 

Taeil set Jieun down, then made his way to the couch. "Oppa!" she pouted, then toddled over to cling to his leg. 

Taehyung walked over to Mr Jeon, toting the grey stuffed bunny with a red bow around its neck.

"You brought Kookie a present? He'll love it," he beamed, patting the space next to him so Taehyung could sit down. "Do you wanna hold him?" 

"Please?" came the quiet reply and, after his upper body was placed correctly, Jungkook was placed in his arms. 

He whined and squirmed for a minute, then settled down with his head against Taehyung's heart and fell asleep. 

"He likes you, Tae!" Mrs Jeon cheered as she came back into the living room, the Kims following. "Normally, he just whines and cries if I hold him, but he's calm when Jae holds him. You're gonna be Kookie's bestie, I think." 

Taehyung smiled down at baby Jungkook, who began to snore and drool just a little bit, but he didn't mind. He was glad someone liked him enough to fall asleep in his arms, even if it was a baby. 

With Jungkook, Taehyung had a sense of home. 

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