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The last two years were filled with more sadness than happiness. 

The episodes occurred multiple times a week or kicked Hoseok into an episode that lasted up to four days.

Nothing was working and it was so obvious that Hoseok was about to give up. 

Now at the age of thirty-nine, Hoseok was sick of living. He didn't blame Taehyung for anything; his boyfriend was nothing but helpful and reminded him that there was something to smile about every day. But Hoseok just couldn't live like this anymore. 

He knew Taehyung knew that as well. 

Of course Hoseok loved Taehyung and never wanted to hurt him, but he decided that the younger man's purpose for living wasn't for him, but for someone else. 

Kim Taehyung's heart needed to break one more time and, when it healed, it would be so much stronger. That's what Hoseok believed. 

So, he spent all day loving on Taehyung and silently thanking him for a beautiful last few years on a planet that hated him. 

If it wasn't for Taehyung, Hoseok would have been dead a long time ago; the negative, intrusive thoughts would have won. 

Today was a quiet day for the older man; no negative thoughts. He would die on his own terms, no one else's. 


Taehyung was shaken awake later that night. 

He grumbled and tried to reach out for his boyfriend, but confusion consumed his half-asleep brain when he couldn't find Hoseok's hand anywhere. 


The shaking grew more persistent; that made Taehyung realize that Hoseok was shaking him. He shot up and turned on the bedside lamp, rushing to put on his glasses. "What's wrong?" 

Hoseok was pale, too pale. His face was streaked with panic and tears, eyes showing a hint of something that Taehyung couldn't place. 

His entire body trembled, much like his voice did when he said, "I-I did something b-bad." 

The younger man was kicked into panic mode when an empty bottle of pills -- his sleeping pills -- was placed into his hand. It didn't take a genius to figure out what Hoseok had done with them. 

"No, no, no!" 

Taehyung began to cry as he pulled Hoseok to his chest, arms wrapped tight around him. "H-Hoseok, no! Why did you do this!? I'm gonna call --"


Hoseok's voice was meek and muffled, but the younger man heard it all the same. "Let me die. I love you, but...it hurts so much. So much."

Taehyung shook his head and sobbed, hauling his dying boyfriend into his lap. "I love you so much, Hoseok."

Everything was beginning to fade; they both knew that there was no stopping it. It was too late. 

Hoseok lifted his head and kissed Taehyung one last time. "I'll see you again...one day. Go live...please, Taehyung. Live." 

Taehyung knew that he had no choice but to obey Hoseok, even if he didn't want to. 

Midnight marked the first day of Jung Hoseok's journey into the afterlife.  

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