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"I-I'm scared, hyungie."

Today was Jungkook's first day of school. He was turning five soon - the oldest in the class due to the cutoff date. He held onto Taehyung's hand so tight that it hurt, but the older didn't mind. Jungkook had been like this since they got on the bus together. 

He looked up at his best friend with wide eyes. A sigh left Taehyung as he held Jungkook by the shoulders, turning him so they were face-to-face. "It'll be fine, Bun. I had Miss Moon, too. She's super nice and gives out animal crackers during snack time," he smirked, shaking the younger a little, "And you're already super smart! Everyone will love you, Jungkook." 

"Really?" Jungkook asked, stars in his eyes as he looked up at his best friend. 

Taehyung nodded and walked him into the classroom, bowing when he saw Miss Moon. "Good morning, Taehyung! And who is this?" She looked to Jungkook, who bowed like Taehyung did.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook. I'm TaeTae's best friend."

Miss Moon smiled at him. "Well, if you're Taehyung's friend, I bet you're sweet like him."

The older boy told Jungkook to go place his backpack and lunchbox on the rack with the others, patting his head once he was finished. 

"Hyung, where should I sit? There's so many kids here!" There were really only fifteen, but that was a lot to the small boy. 

Taehyung looked around, noticing a black-haired boy sitting by himself. He had big doe eyes like Jungkook, but tears were rolling down his cheeks in a steady stream. He obviously wanted to be anywhere but at school. 

"Kookie, see that boy over there, the one crying? I think he needs a friend to make him happy."

Jungkook followed his gaze, pouting as he saw the crying boy. "I can make him happy, right?" he asked, looking back up to Taehyung, who smiled wide. 

"You make me happy. I'm positive you'll make that boy happy, too."

Jungkook gave him a big smile, then hugged him tight. "I love you, hyungie!"

"I love you too, Bun," Taehyung mumbled into Jungkook's hair, then watched him scamper over to the upset boy before heading to his own class. 


"...And he has a puppy!" 

Taehyung held Jungkook's hand and listened to him ramble on about his new friend. Unlike himself, Jungkook was very high-energy and outspoken, so of course he would make friends so easily. 

Befriending Kim Yugyeom was Taehyung's idea, but he couldn't help the bit of jealousy swimming in his stomach. 

Taeil didn't love him, his little sister ignored him, and his mom seemed like she held no love for Taehyung either. Only Taehyung's dad and the Jeons showed him love. What if Jungkook grew tired of him now that he had a new friend? Taehyung didn't want to be thrown away again. 

By the time they reached the Jeon home, Taehyung was nearly in tears, but he let Jungkook keep talking. He talked while the older boy did his spelling words and math workbook page, then continued talking through Pokémon: X&Y

All of Taehyung's doubts were circling through his head, causing him to let go of his best friend's hand to wipe away some tears. 

"Hyungie?" Jungkook's voice was quiet, like he wanted to ask a question but didn't know if he was allowed to. 

The older boy shook his head and put on a fake smile, hoping that the younger hadn't seen how upset he was. 

But Jungkook did see, and now he wanted to know why his bestest friend in the entire world was upset. "Taehyungie, why are you crying?" 

He crawled into Taehyung's lap, placing his hands on his shoulders. Taehyung couldn't lie now, not when Jungkook stared at him with such large, concerned eyes. He could never lie when Jungkook looked at him like that. 

So he pulled him into his chest, hugging him tight as their foreheads knocked together. 

"Promise me you'll always be my friend, Jungkook. Even when you make new ones, I'll always be your number one," Taehyung sobbed, unable to keep in his tears. 

He kept his eyes shut tight when Jungkook moved away, but still allowed Taehyung to cling to him. "Of course you'll always be my number one! I love you so much, TaeTae!" he said, then placed a sloppy kiss to his best friend's cheek. 

Taehyung just smiled. 

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