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All three children sat at the top of the stairs. Taeil had come home for the weekend, Jieun not leaving his side for a second. Tears streamed down her face as she hid away in her oldest brother's side. 

Taehyung sat apart from them, watching through the rungs that held the banister up at the scene below. 

"You never wanted him! You only ever wanted a boy and a girl! After Jieun, you never cared about Taehyung!" his father shouted, running a hand through his greying hair. 

Mrs Kim glared bitterly, arms crossed over her chest. "He's a waste of space, Hansung, much like you've been these past few years. I told you I wanted to give that brat up, but you insisted we keep him. He never does anything well. Taeil is an accountant for a large company. Jieun plays soccer, softball, and does competitive cheer. 

"What does Taehyung do? All he does is read those stupid books, watch that anime bullshit, and play with Jungkook." 

"Seriously!? He's learning saxophone, takes piano lessons, volunteers to read at the orphanage and babysits Jungkook. His grades are amazing and he's polite to everyone, even you. You neglect him but he still calls you 'mom' and you don't deserve it." 

A loud slap filled the room, followed by silence; their mom just slapped their dad. 

The youngest and eldest children looked at the twelve-year-old. He was biting his lip and surpressing his tears. 

"It's always about you," Taeil spat, letting go of Jieun to grab his brother by the shirt collar and yank him up, "They're always arguing about you. They're gonna split up because of you. This is all your fault." 

He shoved Taehyung into his room, making him bash his head on the hardwood flooring. 

Once his siblings were gone, Taehyung stood and shut his door, then dialed a number on his new phone. 

"Sweetie, it's late." 

The boy let out a shaky breath. "Mom, is Kookie s-still up?" he asked, voice cracking a little. 

Mrs Jeon sighed. "Come spend the night, Taehyung. I don't want you in that house." 

Mrs Jeon knew that Taehyung's mother hated him. The way she talked to and about him made that obvious. Mrs Jeon never understood her ex-best-friend's hatred towards her middle child; he wa so kind and perfect and forgiving. Jungkook was the same way because he modeled himself after Taehyung. 

She and Taehyung developed a sort of code, one to be used when his parents were fighting and his siblings were being so mean to him. 

Taehyung hung up and texted his dad that he was going to the Jeons' before grabbing his overnight backpack. He placed a clean set of clothes and his toiletry bag, phone charger, and earbuds inside. Then, he climbed out of his window. 


Mrs Jeon hugged Taehyung tightly when she let him in the house, allowing him to cry his heart out against her shoulder. She was always seen as a second mother to him; she was a mother he always wanted, but never got. Her contact was the only 'Momma' in his phone. 

"Come on, sweetie, let's get you to sleep, alright? Cuddle with Jungkookie," she said quietly, ushering Taehyung up the stairs and down the hall once he calmed down. 

Jungkook was sprawled out in his bed, mouth open and t-shirt up to his neck. His blanket was on the floor, so his dinosaur shorts were on display for all to see. Taehyung didn't want to wake him up, but he needed him. 

"K-Kookie," he stuttered, shaking the sleeping boy. 

It took exactly three more times of calling his name to awaken Jungkook, who sat up and pulled his shirt down, rubbing his eyes. "TaeTae?" he yawned. 

He immediately made grabby-hands for the older boy. Taehyung picked up the fallen comforter and fixed it as Jungkook scooted against the wall, making room for Taehyung to climb into bed. 

Jungkook laid on his back and let Taehyung lay half over him, wrapping his small arms around him the best he could. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" he mumbled, lazily petting his friend's soft hair. 

Taehyung heaved a heavy sob, shaking as he gripped the younger boy so tight. "They h-hate me, Jungkook. My m-mom and my s-sister and my b-brother hate m-me. Hyung t-told me it's all m-my fault that my parents are...are fighting." 

Jungkook frowned. Just like his parents, he didn't understand why Mrs Kim resented her middle child and why his siblings sided with her. Even little naïve Jungkook could see all the potential Taehyung had. Why would anyone hate him?

"I hope they split up, Kookie. I h-hope I get to live with my dad because he l-loves me. He cares," Taehyung whimpered, pulling Jungkook out of his thoughts. 

The eight-year-old held his best friend tighter, rubbing his back in hopes of calming him down. 

"I love you, Taehyungie. You're everything to me." 

Mr Jeon said that a lot to Mrs Jeon, so Jungkook knew it had a deep meaning. Plus, it was true; Taehyung was the love of Jungkook's life. He wanted the older boy to know that. 

Taehyung smiled at him with teary eyes, appreciation swimming in them. "I love you too, Bun. You're my world." 

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