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"We fucking did it!" Taehyung yelled the second he found Jimin, who smiled widely as he turned away from his mother. 

His graduation gown pretty much drowned him, but so did Taehyung's; he made sure not to trip as he scooped his best friend into a bear hug. He enjoyed how it actually felt like someone was there instead of a skeleton. 

Ever since he was discharged from the hospital, Jimin devoted himself to getting better. When he no longer needed his feeding tube, he began to dance. Dancing and bi-weekly visits to the gym raised Jimin to a healthy 54kgs. It was a little underweight for his build, but he was so much better (despite occasional relapses). 

"Now we'll be roommates in college!" Jimin squealed, smile faltering at the glint in Taehyung's eyes. 

Never had he seen a man so lovestruck before. It made Jimin's heart burn with a passion only Taehyung would ever have the chance to experience. Jimin was in love with Taehyung, too. 

The taller boy brought himself closer to Jimin, who had to tilt his head back to keep their eyes locked. 

"I don't think I ever told you this, but..." Taehyung was nervous. His heart felt like it was going to fall out of his ass. "Jimin, ever since I met you...I think I love you." 

Jimin's knees felt weak as he gazed into his best friend's eyes, picking out the constellations of emotions shining in them as he awaited an answer. "Taehyung, I love you too. I think I always have - well, from the moment you began helping me get better. I love you." 

He smiled up at the taller boy, throwing his arms around his neck. Taehyung hugged him back just as fiercely, his arms easily looping around his best friend's waist. 

Taehyung felt complete with Jimin in his arms. 


Now, Taehyung and Jimin were sophomores in college. 

Taehyung was working on his degree in interior design while Jimin focused on dancing. It was his dream and of course his boyfriend was going to support him all the way. 

A major competition weekend had arrived; other colleges and dance groups gathered at Seoul Academy's performance hall for the most important competition of Jimin's college career.

He had woken Taehyung up at four in the morning so they could get ready. The taller made breakfast while his boyfriend showered, both of them eating in comfortable silence before Taehyung went to shower. Jimin dressed in his uniform; he decided on a traditional fan dance for the competition. Some of his friends from his dance class volunteered to be his background dancers. 

"You're gonna do amazing, Chim," Taehyung said when they were backstage, clad in Jimin's oversized dance jacket, which fit the taller perfectly. 

His eyes bore into Jimin's, easing all the anxiety and fear in his boyfriend. "Thanks, Tae. I love you," he mumbled, gripping tight to his fan as his shoulders were squeezed. 

"I love you too, Jiminie. Go kick ass!"

With a kiss on the cheek and a light smack to the ass, Jimin lined up with his background dancers and made his way to the stage. 

He ended up winning the competition. 

Taehyung was on the verge of tears when he caught his sobbing boyfriend in his arms, spinning him around while peppering Jimin's face in kisses. "I'm so proud of you, baby!" he cried between kisses, his heart beating faster at the sound of Jimin's giggles, "So fucking proud! I love you!" 

"I love you too, Tae," Jimin sobbed, a huge smile breaking through the tears as he gazed at his number-one fan. "You mean so much to me."

"Yeah?" the taller replied, a smirk on his face, "Then take me home and fuck me hard."

How could the dancer say no to that? He always wanted to top Taehyung at least once. He smirked at his boyfriend, leaning in for a kiss. 

"Let's get it on, sexy."

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