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"Seokjin-hyung, I'm here!" Taehyung called through the small yellow house. 

There were many pictures lining the walls; some were of Seokjin's childhood and some were of his wife. There were a few professional shots of Seokjin himself. Taehyung had been over fourteen times, yet still had no clue about the story behind those professional photos. 

"Uh, Taehyung!? I need help in my room!" the older man called, followed by a groan of frustration. 

The younger man walked through the house to find Seokjin in his bedroom, head stuck in the sleeve of a white turtleneck. He let out a small chuckle and helped fix the shirt, admiring how Seokjin's dark hair stuck out in every direction.

"Good morning, hyung," Taehyung beamed, picking up the older man's hairbrush to fix his hair. 

Despite being as old as he was, Seokjin didn't have a single grey hair; maybe he dyed it?

Once he was finished, Taehyung set the brush down and followed Seokjin into the kitchen. Seokjin could cook on his own, but he liked having someone in the house to cook with, so Taehyung usually joined him. 

Some days, they made large breakfasts, but today was an easy eggs-and-bacon day. 

"Do you sing, Seokjin-hyung?" Taehyung asked, putting toast in the toaster while the older man fried bacon. 

"Are you kidding?" Seokjin smiled at the younger man. "I used to be a singer. I was more well-known as a model, but I still sang. That's how I met my wifey."

Taehyung startled when the toaster went off and Seokjin laughed at him. "Bom was a fan of mine. We went out for dinner after one of my shows, and the rest is history. Forty years of unconditional love." 

They spent the rest of breakfast talking about Seokjin's wife and how wonderful their marriage was. It reminded Taehyung of the ones he lost, especially his husband. As Seokjin spoke, Taehyung decided that he needed to spend the rest of his life cheerful, just like Seokjin. 


It wasn't until eight months had passed that Seokjin's condition began to progress. 

Taehyung brought the grandkids over to the older man's house today; they had been over multiple times and adored their new "great-uncle" Seokjin.

They were all sitting in the living room watching a movie; Taeil sat on Taehyung's lap while Taeyong awkwardly sang along to the oompaloompas' song about Augustus Gloop falling into the chocolate river. 

Taehyung looked over to Seokjin, frowning when he noticed the look of confusion on the older man's face as he stared at Taeyong. "Seokjin-hyung, what's wrong?" he whispered. 

Seokjin just pointed to the louder twin. "Who is that?" 

The younger man frowned even more, adjusting Taeil on his lap. "Seokie-hyung, you know who that is."

The adults locked eyes, guilt mixing in with the older man's confusion. "I-I do?" 

"That's my grandbaby, hyung. That's Taeyong."

Finally, Seokjin remembered. "Oh...yeah. I'm so sorry, I just --"

"It's okay, Seokjin-hyung. I can remind you, it's totally okay." 

Seokjin crossed his arms over his chest, closing his eyes for a moment. "I want you to stop bringing them over. I don't want them to see this. I'm just going to get worse and worse and..." He wiped a tear from his cheek. "I don't want to scare them."

Taehyung took a deep breath in, reaching out to hold the older man's hand. "If that's what you want, then okay. Chan is a stay-at-home husband, so I'm sure he'll babysit them. It'll be okay, so don't apologize. No one's mad at you."

They held hands for a while, Taeil giggling when he realized that Taeyong had fallen asleep sitting up. 

Later, Seokjin fell asleep, too. Taehyung let go of his hand, patting it gently. "You'll be okay, hyung. I'm here for you."

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