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Everyone wanted to come pick Taehyung up from the hospital, but he insisted that only one person needed to come; all six of them at once was too much to handle. 

So Seokjin told Namjoon and Yoongi to go into work while Jungkook and Jimin to go train. Hoseok stayed home and cleaned. 

Taehyung was excited to finally go home, but he couldn't smile genuinely when he thought about it. 

He was used to the Seokjin that couldn't remember what he did two minutes ago, not twenty-eight-year-old Seokjin who looked after everyone and promised to make Taehyung's favorite meal for dinner as a 'welcome home' present. But as he sat in the car and held Seokjin's free hand, he couldn't help but think that this down mood had something to do with the boat incident. 

"I'm going to tell you some things, but don't you dare think it's your fault, okay? Nothing is your fault," Seokjin broke the silence, looking over once he reached the red light to see Taehyung nod. 

"We've all changed. Some of it was for the better, but most of it..." he hissed, a grimace of shame and disappointment washing across his face. 

"I had never seen Yoongi drink so much. Namjoon would disappear for days at a time, come home for either a few hours or a single day, then leave again. Jimin decided to drown himself in sex, and Jungkookie? He wouldn't leave his room for the first three weeks. Poor Hoseokie would sit in your room and cry." 

Taehyung used the hand that wasn't clasped with Seokjin's to rub up and down the older man's forearm, fingertips brushing against the shallow cuts he felt there. "And you, hyung?" 

A humorless chuckle left Seokjin. "I was on autopilot until I was the only one awake. I gave up because no one would comfort me -- even if they tried, I don't think they would have been able to. But finally, Kookie left his room and laid with me in mine, and we both convinced Hoseok to confide in us. So it was just us three." 

Well," a moment of silence passed before Taehyung spoke, "I can't say I don't feel bad about that because I do." 

He kissed Seokjin's shoulder. "I hope everyone stays home from now on."


Jungkook volunteered to help Taehyung bathe, since he was too weak to do so himself. So while Jimin, Seokjin and Hoseok made dinner, the youngest two showered together. 

"I'm glad you're okay, Taehyungie. I missed you so much," Jungkook muttered as he washed Taehyung's legs (if the older boy bent down, he would fall over). 

Taehyung felt heavy. 

Everyone kept telling him how glad they were that he was okay, but he didn't feel okay. He felt like he did in his past life -- his coma dream. 

He felt like he gave up. 

When Jungkook stood back up, he noticed the dullness in his best friend's eyes. 

"Hey, come here," he cooed, pulling the upset boy into his arms. 

He felt Taehyung's weak arms thread around his waist as sobs filled the bathroom. "I-I don't...feel okay."

Jungkook felt his chest constrict that the small confession, but he refused to let himself be upset. Now wasn't the time for it. 

Instead, he held Taehyung against his body and let the warm water wash all the negativity away. 


Later that night, it was decided that Jimin was going to be the one to lay with Taehyung. 

They were curled up together underneath his fluffy grey comforter, small smiles lingering on their faces from Hoseok's good-night kisses. Taehyung's coma-dream really shook him up, so he held Jimin a bit tighter than he normally would have. 

The things Seokjin told him about Jimin really bothered him. He hated that Jimin would do something such as using sex as a distraction. It wasn't good for the mind and body. 

"Jimin," Taehyung mumbled, looking into his soulmate's eyes, "why?" 

Jimin knew exactly what he meant; his face paled as he studied Taehyung for a moment, then sighed. "I just...I don't know, Taehyung. I know I should have been here for everyone -- especially Seokjin-hyung -- but instead I was in Chanyeol's bed. Even he thought what I was doing wasn't good for me. I guess I'm just stupid." 

"No, you're not," the other boy whispered, moving Jimin's bangs out of his face, "you just need to find a healthier way to handle things." 

Jimin threw a leg over Taehyung, knocking their foreheads together. "That's the thing, Tae. I couldn't handle the possibility of losing you. None of us could."

I had a dream that BTS was playing hide and seek, and they were in the same place. when i went to find Jin, he was in the same place, except he was in a baggy white shirt and was crying. he held the knife in one hand, and I could see the cuts he made on his arm. it really messed me up. 

just thought you should know why I made Jin like this. 

Happy Days!

- Tae

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