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It took about a year for Taehyung to fully recover -- that meant he finally remembered what caused him to jump from the boat. 

When he remembered, he began keeping to himself and trying to send his friends away; he just wanted to be alone so he could think. 

But his friends didn't know that. They didn't want a repeat of the incident; they didn't want Taehyung to attempt suicide again and succeed. 

At the end of his week of isolation, Taehyung finally sat down in the living room with everyone. 

He sat himself down in Seokjin's lap, allowing him to wrap his arms around his waist. "I need to tell you guys something," he muttered, voice rough and dull. 

Jungkook curled himself around Hoseok and let Jimin rest his chin on his shoulder. Yoongi stiffened in his seat while Namjoon patted Taehyung's back. "You can tell us anything. We love you." 

Taehyung nodded and took a deep breath in, his fingers twitching against Seokjin's arm. "I remember why I jumped. It was because...because I felt so...isolated. It was like you all kept moving forward, but I was stuck in place. It's like being in space; you're floating and you have no control over anything and there's nothing you can do to stop it."

Everyone kept their soft eyes trained on Taehyung; Jungkook noticed how his eyes were watery and the way he held onto the oldest's arm. 

Before anyone could say anything, Taehyung sniffled. "When I was in my coma, it was like I was living an alternate life. My dad was the only family member who loved me, and Kookie, you and I grew up together." 

The two boys shared a brief smile. "But I moved away and met Jimin and...Chim, your eating disorder was so bad. But I fixed you and when we were in college, you pushed me out of the way and got hit by a car." 

Tears welled up in Jimin's eyes; Taehyung tried his best not to sob. "And then Kookie...you killed yourself. And I became so lost, but I met Joon-hyung and he fixed me a little. But Joon-hyung, you were the victim of a shootout." 

Namjoon was glad Taehyung couldn't see him; he continued to rub the younger's back while he silently cried. 

"Hobi and Yoongi-hyungs know about what happened to them. I told them already." 

Both men nodded; Hoseok was petting Jungkook's hair as the youngest silently sobbed into his shoulder. 

"And Seokjin-hyung." Taehyung leaned into the oldest. "You had dementia and asked me to take care of you. It was so sad because you slowly forgot how to do the simplest things, and you even forgot me a few times." 

Seokjin shut his eyes tightly, forehead resting against Taehyung's shoulder. 

"But the worst part of it all was that I loved every single one of you. I loved you all so much and I had to watch all of you die. I thought I was cursed; that my bad luck in life caused you all to die."

"You could never make any of us want to die, Kim Taehyung. You make us whole," Yoongi said, voice barely above a whisper. It was loud in the silent room. 

Taehyung nodded and wiped his eyes. "I learned that all of you are special to me, and I love every single one of you. I couldn't leave you -- that would have killed you all." 

The silence was weighted down with those words. The six boys knew it was true; none of them could live without each other -- without Taehyung. He kept them glued together. 

"Dr Moon told us that it was up to you whether you lived or died on that bed, Taehyung," Namjoon said, pressing his forehead to Taehyung's back. "At one point, it looked like you were choosing to die. Your heart was basically crawling, and even with Life Support, you tried to stop breathing. Thank you for pulling through. 

Yoongi stood from his seat and walked over to Taehyung and Seokjin. He wasn't one for affection, but he needed Taehyung to understand how thankful he was that the younger was alive, so he knelt down and hugged his waist. 

Soon, everyone was holding Taehyung. Taehyung knew Jungkook was the one sniffing his hair. 

Finally, they all reluctantly broke apart. 

"So," Jimin said, huffing when Jungkook and Hoseok leaned back against him, "who do you love the most?"

Yoongi scoffed. "Clearly me. He married me and basically adopted my two children." 

Gasps echoed around the room, followed by whines of protest and complaint. 

Taehyung smiled and shook his head. "You all are my home." 

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