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When Taehyung and Jimin were twenty-one, Taehyung's life began its downward spiral. He didn't understand why Jimin had to save his life by giving his own. He didn't understand why he was left alone to suffer.

"So, I was thinking we'd just walk around, enjoy the city," Taehyung mumbled shyly, blushing at the giant smile that washed across his boyfriend's face. 

The couple was walking down the road, hands clasped between them. Jimin found Taehyung's shy tendencies endearing, causing all the butterflies in his stomach to lift off. "You've gone so soft, Tae. It's cute!" he teased. 

Taehyung continued to blush, stuffing his hands into his pockets. That didn't stop Jimin from latching onto his bicep, leaning up to place a kiss on his cheek. "This is so sweet of you, Tae. Really. I appreciate this; I appreciate you."

Life had been hectic for them lately; Taehyung's internship at the high-end interior design company, his foundations for music therapy classes and night shift at the twenty-four hour diner kept him from his boyfriend. Jimin was too wrapped up in the dance academy, his own school work, and his job at the local dance studio to spend time with Taehyung. 

But now they had some off time, so they decided to use it to their advantage. 

They spent their walk in comfortable silence, punctuated by Jimin's light humming. Oh, how Taehyung enjoyed listening to his boyfriend's angelic voice.

After petty arguments, Taehyung would lay in Jimin's arms and listen to him hum whatever melody was stuck in his head. Sometimes he would sing the lyrics, and Taehyung would join in by humming. That was their way of apologizing for stepping out of line. 

Jimin's humming suddenly stopped. 

All Taehyung heard was a car horn, a faint, "Taehyung, move!" and then he was shoved to the ground and out of danger. 

He looked up just in time to see the out-of-control truck hit his beloved boyfriend. 

By the sickening crack of Jimin's head colliding with asphalt, Taehyung knew there would be no recovery for his boyfriend. 

Park Jimin was dead. 


The funeral was beautiful. 

Jimin's coffin was a beautiful shade of baby-blue: it was his favorite color. All of Jimin's family were there, along with Taehyung and his father. 

There was more laughter than tears, but Taehyung couldn't find it in himself to crack a small smile at any stories of baby Jimin and how he brought joy to everyone he met. 

How was Taehyung supposed to live now? All he had was an empty apartment that held so many fond memories that now turned painful to look back on. He didn't even go back to the apartment the day Jimin died; he went straight to his father's apartment and cried. 

He hadn't slept at all, knowing he would dream of Jimin and the future that was ripped away from the both of them. There was no coming back from this. 

"Tae, honey." 

Ms Park was quiet as she rested her hand on the boy's shoulder after the funeral. Everyone else was lined up outside, waiting to watch Jimin's coffin be loaded into the hearse. Now it was just Taehyung, Ms Park, and her dead son in the room. 

Taehyung looked at the woman, eyes filled with tears. 

"None of this would have happened if I didn't zone out...if we just stayed home. It's all my fault. He had time to push me out of the way; I could have used that time to move us both out of the way. It's all my fault..." 

Ms Park shook her head, pulling the boy into her arms. "Don't do this, Taehyung. If Jimin heard you, he'd slap you silly because it's not your fault." She let out a little sigh. "Of course I'm not happy that my baby is gone; any caring parent would trade places with their children in a heartbeat." 

She smiled sadly at Taehyung, rubbing his arms. "But it was Jimin's choice to save you and we have to accept it."

Taehyung hugged her again, then pulled back enough to look at her. "Do you hate me? Do you feel any resentment towards me at all?" 

Ms Park shook her head. "No. You've done so much for Jimin that it's impossible to hate you. I do wish he was still alive, but not all wishes come true." She held Taehyung's hands in her own, squeezing them tightly. "No matter how tempting it is to push you away, I won't. It hurts so much to see you, but Jimin wouldn't want that. He would want us to stay close."

She noticed the little slip of paper sticking out of Taehyung's suit pocket. Her eyes drifted to her son's casket, then back to Taehyung. "Do you want to see him one last time? Get everything out of your head one last time?" 

Taehyung nodded and began to walk over to the open casket, the echo of the door falling shut after Ms Park. 

Jimin still looked beautiful.

His hair was perfectly styled, plump lips painted their natural rosy color. His funeral suit was black, but he had a royal-blue tie and matching handkerchief. His favorite rings decorated his fingers, which rested entwined on his stomach. 

A sob ripped through the room as Taehyung finally broke down. This was too much, but he knew he needed to do this. He took his letter and slid it into Jimin's suit pocket. "Here's something to read when, when you're bored. You're so beautiful, you know that? Even...even now, you look like you're sleeping." 

He paused, attempting to collect himself just a little bit. "The theatre is making a production in your honor, you know. They're gonna dance to your favorite song and...videos of y-you will be playing...on the backdrop. I-I'm gonna see it to make sure they did you justice." 

Taehyung wiped his tears. "You probably want me to move on, so...it'll take a while, but I will. Let me be sad for a while, first."

He leaned down and placed a final kiss on Jimin's forehead. "I will never forget you, though. Sweet dreams. I love you, Park Jimin, my precious treasure."

I never said this was a happy book. go get more tissues. 

Happy Days!

- Tae

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