III: Kim Namjoon

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Taehyung's life went downhill after he lost Jungkook. 

He continued on with his studies and graduated silently, then moved out of his first apartment to one about five minutes away from his job. He managed to secure a job at a high-end interior design company; now, at the age of twenty-seven, he was the youngest high-end designer at the main headquarters for City Suites Design Co.

Everyone Taehyung locked eyes with immediately tucked tail and ran in the opposite direction. The man he used to be died with Jimin and Jungkook; he was nothing but a cold shell. There was no resurrecting Kim Taehyung -- at least he thought so. 

On one of his days off, the business man decided to take a trip to a nearby café; he never liked the taste of coffee, but he appreciated tea and all the medicinal values it possessed. 

This particular café was family-owned and operated with a handful of employees outside of the family. Taehyung's coworker, Hanbin, said that this café made all their food from scratch and their assortment of tea was expansive. 

Not even a full minute after Taehyung stepped inside the shop, he felt something hot soak his expensive silk shirt and a body collided with his. There was the shattering of a cup and plate; Taehyung let out a quiet curse. 

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" came a voice almost as deep as Taehyung's. 

It took the man a second to realize it was the voice of whoever ran into him. 

He was barely taller than Taehyung with amber eyes that shone in the sunlight, wide and anxious. His skin was about as pigmented as Taehyung's. He sounded older, but looked younger with his peach-colored hair. 

"I'm so stupid. I'm really sorry, sir." 

Taehyung shook his head and gave the boy a close-lipped smile. "Shit happens. Do you work here?" he asked. 

The boy straightened up more. "Yes, I-I do." He showed off his nametag proudly, his childish handwriting spelling out Namjoon.

"Well, Namjoon, do you have anything for monstrous hangovers?" Taehyung asked as he buttoned up his jacket, hiding the mess of coffee on his shirt.

Namjoon nodded enthusiastically, then called someone over to clean the mess on the floor so that he could sit Taehyung at a table. 

"It's on me and...I promise not to spill it on you this time." 


Kim Namjoon turned out to be a very insightful, spritely spirit. 

He was twenty-four and had a degree in literature, but was currently focusing on his degree in secondary education. His family had enough money to send him to community college, not the big university Taehyung attended. 

Despite all of this, Namjoon was happy with his place in life, unlike Taehyung. But there was a glint of something in the younger man's eyes that made the older man believe that no matter how his eyes would brighten every time Taehyung visited, Namjoon wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. 

"Do you ever go biking by the river?" Namjoon blurted one day, handing Taehyung his hangover cure. 

He realized fast that the designer might be an alcoholic, but he never let that fact stop him from befriending Taehyung. 

Taehyung took a sip of his tea and shook his head. "I don't have time. Or a bike. I just kind of get home from work and --" 

"Get drunk to the point of numbness?" 

Namjoon's eyes widened when he realized what he just said. He didn't want Taehyung to be angry with him, but braced himself for any verbal assault. 

But Taehyung shrugged and nodded. "Most nights, yeah. Relax, Namjoon-ah. I'm not mad. It's true, so why get angry about it?" 

The waiter shrugged as well, giving his new a friend a hesitant pat on the shoulder. "I don't know what you've gone through in your life so far, but it's not worth destroying your liver over." 

Taehyung sighed. "You're right." 

He ran a hand through his hair and locked eyes with Namjoon. A smile crossed the younger man's face, showing off those dimples Taehyung would never admit were cute, then said the words that would stick with him forever. 

"Everyone has a purpose here. No one ever finds out what it is until their time on this planet is over, and they're called home."

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